Facebook i Twitter blokirali botove u službi vlasti
Facebook i Twitter su blokirali naloge za koje smatraju da se bave dezinformisanjem javnosti. Ova vest predstavlja veliki udarac za botovsku industriju gde se svakodnevno proizvode milioni lažnih mišljenja “običnih” građana.
How we organise monthly mental wellbeing Q&As for GDS staff
The mental health network at GDS exists to ensure our colleagues have the mental health support and information they need.
We do this in a variety of different ways. For example, we send out a regular newsletter, we have a dedicated Slack channel for discussing mental health-related topics, we provide mental health first aid, and host speakers and events.
We also hold regular anonymous peer-led mental wellbeing Q&As. In this post, I will explain how we organise them and share some tips on how to ensure they’re a success.
What we do to set up our Q&As
The Q&As take place on the morning of the last Friday of each month. We hold them on the online platform Slack, which everyone at GDS can access.
First, we field questions using a Google form, which staff can complete anonymously.
Staff can also use the form to submit answers anonymously. Our most recent Q&A had 10 anonymous questions and around 50 replies from around 20 members of staff.
It takes one person about 3 hours in total ..
Mastering digital diplomacy: Sushma Swaraj, the ‘crusading Supermom of State’
In a rare feat for a legislator, Swaraj commanded the respect of people from all walks of life and across the aisle.
Narrative Alignment as Public Diplomacy Evaluation
Despite the emergence of new technologies the task of evaluating public diplomacy activities remains a daunting one. While scholars and practitioners have offered numerous definitions for the term public diplomacy, they have yet to agree upon a method for measuring the impact of public diplomacy activities.
Some have suggested that public diplomacy is a means towards creating a receptive environment for one’s foreign policy. This definition suggests that one has to gauge the environment in which public diplomacy is practiced and track changes within this environment. But what is this “environment”? Are there several actors comprising this environment? If so, which actors should be monitored? And how can this monitoring take place?
Other definitions state that public diplomacy is a tool for winning over the “hearts and minds” of foreign populations and swaying foreign public opinion in one’s favor. Yet how can one assess his ability to win over hearts and minds? Should he preform a lo..
Palestinian youth fight back on social media
When National Geographic Abu Dhabi in April posted a seemingly benign image of Nubian ibex climbing cliffs on its Facebook and Twitter accounts, its...
African Development Bank unveils new digital platform for Africa Investment Forum
The African Investment Forum’s new digital platform will connect project sponsors with investment opportunities in Africa, vastly improving the quality of project information and...
The impact of AI in international relations
The digital revolution, known as the third industrial revolution, has had ground-breaking effects on the geo-politics of the 21st century. Technological revolution has changed the perceptions of humankind and increased the productivity of the global economy.
Last week: A desecrated cemetery; This week: „Kosovo is an example of interfaith tolerance...
„In terms of interfaith tolerance and coexistence, Kosovo sets an example in the region and beyond,“ the Kosovo Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli said at...
Novi Twitter: „U jednoj reči- ružan“
Promene koje je „pretrpela“ plaftorma društvene mreže postepeno su najavljivane od početka ove nedelje.
Do promena je došlo zbog bržeg i efikasnijeg korišćenja Tvitera, saopštili su iz kompanije.
The Digital Trial of Ivanka Trump
It began with a necklace. A diamond necklace to be precise. It was purchased from two Jewish jewellers on behalf of the French Queen Marie Antoinette in 1785. The necklace, comprised of 647 stones, and weighing 2,800 carats, never made it to the Queen. Rather, it fell into the hands of a charlatan women who had enlisted a rich if somewhat dim-witted priest to “pull off” the heist of the 18th century. The charlatan convinced the priest that the French Queen required his assistance in purchasing the necklace, as she herself was heavily in debt and could not afford to do so on her own. The unsuspecting priest, assuming that he was on a personal errand for the Queen, purchased the necklace at great expense and gave it to the charlatan woman who proceeded to England were she sold all 647 stones individually.
Several weeks after the purchase, the Jewish jewellers requested an audience with Marie Antoinette where they, politely, asked to receive payment for the necklace. At this moment, the ..