Digital Diplomacy

The End of Twitter Diplomacy?

Within the first few days of 2018, Donald Trump had appeared to threaten Kim Jong Un with nuclear war, take credit for 2017 being...

Why Twitter Polls Should Have a Warning Label

“If you want the public’s opinion on anything — what to name your dog, who will win tonight’s game, which election issue people care...

Конец цифровой дипломатии… или только начало?

Должны ли дипломаты отказаться от соцсетей ? Таким вопросом задался Илан Манор из Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group после конференции Digital Diplomacy Camp в...

One Bad Bill + One Good Bill = One Big Step Backward for the...

Let’s do some legislative math. Adding a bad bill to a good bill does not make a good bill better, it makes what could...

We Need to Stop Joking About Fake News

We need to stop joking about “fake news.”Repetition of a phrase normalizes the thing itself; this notion is deeply rooted in psychological and sociological...


Proces globalizacije i razvoj informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT) su doveli do promena na raznim poljima i do potrebe prilagođavanja savremenog društva novim izazovima. Povezanost sveta...

NATO’S Digital Narrative- “What We Are”, Not “Who We Are”

The word narrative has for some time dominated conversations about digital diplomacy. At the most basic level, narratives are viewed as compelling stories through which state and non-state actors can explain their policies and actions. The narrative is thus a rhetorical and visual device that replaces official press statements lined with diplomatic double entendres and bureaucratic language. At a more sophisticated level, narratives may be used to obtain influence. Diplomats from country A can craft messages that resonate with the historical narratives of country B thus building relationships with the citizens of country B. At another level, narratives may be used to misinform. Countries can craft narratives that contest facts or promote false information. Given that the narrative takes the form of a story, it is likely to have some influence on a target audience as humans are storytellers by nature. At the most sophisticated level a narrative can be a unifying element bringing people..

Machine Learning and Policy Analysis

Machine learning, despite its notable constraints, has found incredibly useful applications within medicine, image recognition, and many other areas; it has allowed computers to...

Blockchain and government, can they work together?

In this article I want to reason about government and blockchain technology. In particular, can our governments evolve by integrating blockchain in their digital...

Music Diplomacy and “Despacito” effect.

Although most are happy about the increase in tourism, the video has been criticized as creating “Ghetto Tourism.” Ghetto Tourism is defined as a...