John Brown's Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review

Kevin Cyron Honored As an Outstanding Teacher of American History in McLean, February 26, 2019 Image from article, with caption: DAR Chapter Members presenting Kevin Cyron with the Outstanding Teacher of American History Award. Pictured, from left, are Chapter Registrar Wendy Stark, Outstanding Teacher Mr. Cyron, Chapter Regent Beth Boswell, and Chapter Historian Maureen Jenkins. Excerpt: During a school assembly at Saint Luke School on Feb. 19, 2019, members of the McLean-based Freedom Hill Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented Kevin Cyron with an Outstanding Teacher of American History Award. Mr. Cyron was elected the winner of this award based on his exceptional work and achievement as a teacher. The chapter also endorsed Mr. Cyron in the State contest of the Virginia DAR. ... Mr. Cyron is a social studies teacher at Saint Luke School in McLean since 2011 and also serves as the middle school coordinator between the academic team, administration and parents. Mr. Cyron is a skillful and knowledgeable teac..

The Decisions by Ireland and Chile to Ban Products from the Settlements

INSS, Canada Free Press, February 19, 2019 uncaptioned image from article Excerpt: In recent months, the parliaments in Ireland and in Chile took unprecedented measures that place severe limitations on economic trade with the settlements in the West Bank. Although at this stage these decisions are not binding and their direct impact is limited, their acceptance reflects the illegitimacy many international actors attribute to the settlements and their willingness to take concrete action against them. These decisions, alongside the possibility that the UN Human Rights Council will soon publish a blacklist of Israeli and international companies active in the settlements, may lead to additional steps that could impact negatively on Israel’s global public and political standing, its political freedom of action, and even its economy. Accordingly, proactive steps should be taken to lessen the impact of decisions already taken and to prevent the adoption of additional such measure. ... Whether..

In Venezuela, Time Is Not on Maduro’s Side

Eli Lake, Image from article, with caption: How much time does he have left? Photographer: YURI CORTEZ/AFP His hold on power will only get weaker as he fights both international sanctions and the popular will. After his militias and national guardsmen attacked aid caravans trying to feed his starving citizens, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro appeared on state television over the weekend dancing the salsa. The dictator’s point was clear: I’m not rattled. I’m not going anywhere. This is the context for U.S. Senator Marco Rubio’s cryptic counterprogramming on Twitter. On Sunday he tweeted before and after photos of the late Moammar Al Qaddafi of Libya. In the first he was smiling in sunglasses; in the second he was bloodied and fleeing a mob. Six hours later, Rubio tweeted a similar side-by-side of the late Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania, first giving an angry speech and then facing a firing squad. The reaction was fierce. Some Twitter users began a campaign to report Rubio’s accou..

Pulwama Attack and Indian Diplomatic Offensive against Pakistan: Achievements and Limitations

Mehmood Hussain, The Mercury, February 26, 2019 uncaptioned image from articleExcerpt: On 14th February 2019, Pulwama district of Indian occupied Kashmir witnessed a deadly suicide attack killing 40 CRPF soldiers and numerous injured. The attack was most dreadful after the Mumbai attacks of 2008 which left 195 peoples dead. Right after the attack, India followed the traditional culture of blame game and once again accused Pakistan for planning and executing the deadly attack and announced to retaliate with strong force. India claims that Pakistan is a nerve center of terrorism and New Delhi will not tolerate any infiltration made by Islamabad. The Indian authorities made announcement to damage Pakistan politically and economically. ... Lobbies are the frontiers of nation states to procure their national interests in anarchical international system. There are different forms of lobbying groups including: the diaspora, business and educational groups, journalists, and public diplomacy [J..

How Twitter, Instagram and other social media are transforming diplomacy; see also John Brown, "Twittering; or, Where are the Emily Dickinsons at the State Department?," Huffington Post (2011) The USC Center of Public Diplomacy’s [JB emphasis] Jay Wang weighs in on how technology is changing the rules of policymaking. Two years ago, Twitter wasn’t the primary place to read the official statements of the president of the United States — but with Donald Trump, it is. Few people turned to Instagram to keep up with Canadian officials, either — until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came along, with more than 2 million followers in tow. Diplomacy — the way governments and countries build and manage relationships — is rapidly changing to keep up with technology. “Diplomacy isn’t just state-to-state now,” says Jay Wang, director of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. “Technology enables you to connect to a much larger global audience.” For national leaders like Trudeau or local figures like Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Instagram helps draw a yo..

No more Mr. Nice Guy! Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino embracing sinister side to turn... Image from article: No more Mr. Nice Guy: Pochettino is embracing the sinister side of management to take Tottenham up a level ( EMPICS Sport )Excerpt: Nice guys finish last, or so the saying goes, and Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino is one of English football's nicest guys. Warm, open and funny, Pochettino has typically been a picture of public diplomacy [JB emphasis] since moving to the Premier League six years ago, particularly when it comes to referees. ...

Treasures of New York: Institute of International Education image from Treasures of New York: Institute of International Education Premieres Thursday, February 28 at 8 p.m. on WLIW21 Premieres Sunday, March 3 at 7 p.m. on THIRTEEN Streams nationally on and THIRTEEN OTT Apps Synopsis: The Institute of International Education (IIE), a non-profit based out of New York City, has made a global impact by changing the lives of thousands of students, rescuing hundreds of imperiled scholars, and setting the course for a brighter future. In celebration of its centennial, Treasures of New York: Institute of International Education will trace the history of this distinguished organization, shedding light on its major accomplishments over the past hundred years to promote international education and empower the global exchange of ideas. From managing some of the world’s most prestigious scholarships, to its programs that support scholars in crisis, viewers will get an in-depth look at the work of this organization, and learn ..

Brioni | Legendary Minds – Rufus Gifford (video) Brioni image from entry The conversation between Brioni and the world’s sharpest thinkers opens a new chapter by revealing Rufus Gifford as the protagonist of the sixth episode of the ‘Legendary Minds’ interview series. Rufus Gifford served as the United States Ambassador to Denmark from 2013 to 2017. In his capacity as Ambassador, he helped modernize the transatlantic relationship through youth engagement and institution-building, among other bilateral and global issues. He outlined a diplomatic strategy that prioritized non-traditional audiences and people-to-people relationships. As part of a never-before-seen public diplomacy [JB emphasis] strategy, he was the subject of the documentary series I am the Ambassador. In 2017, Gifford was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Dannebrog by Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark for his "meritorious service to the Kingdom of Denmark". He is a Federal Club Member of the Human Rights Campaign and a Partner in Cons..

MSU Spartans’ Global Contributions, Feb. 26, 2019 image from entryExcerpt: Contact(s): Tammy Pitts , Rachel Warner Michigan State University International Studies and Programs has named the recipients of this year’s international awards, which celebrate contributions by MSU faculty, students and community members in international research, teaching, innovation and engagement. Award recipients are: Deborah J. Margolis: librarian, MSU Libraries. Recipient of the Charles A. Gliozzo Award for Public Diplomacy [JB emphasis] . ...