Nigeria at a Crossroads: The Upcoming Elections
image from entryExcerpt:
Testimony, Tibor P. Nagy, Jr. Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs U.S. House of Representatives, Sub-Committee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations ...
[P]reventing electoral violence is one of our three main objectives for our diplomacy and programs. When I was in Nigeria, I asked officials from both major parties to sign pledges that their candidates would conduct peaceful campaigns, and both major candidates have now signed a peace pledge. In assessing potential “hot spots” for violence, we look at places that are historically volatile around elections such as Rivers and Borno states. We look at states that are currently tense, especially if state-level politics are contentious like those in Benue, Plateau, as well as those in high-stakes locations with large populations such as Kano. We regularly engage with civil society organizations working in these “hotspots” and support their peacebuilding e..
European higher education in the world
image from
Higher education is increasingly international in nature. Erasmus+ recognises this in its strong international dimension, which promotes mobility and cooperation between universities in EU Member States and those outside the EU.
What is it?
Higher education is increasingly international in nature. Erasmus+ recognises this in its strong international dimension, which promotes mobility and cooperation between universities in EU Member States and those outside the EU.How is it being done?International cooperation has benefits at home and abroad. In Europe it contributes toEnhancing the overall quality of European education by facilitating peer learning, cooperation and comparison with other education providers worldwide;Boosting innovation and job creation in Europe by attracting internationally mobile students and skilled migrants;Broadening horizons, increasing employability and preparing students to become global citizens;Influencing and engaging new audiences i..
“They’re not our arts, they’re your arts” Dutchculture Centre for International Cooperation
Europe Day 2018: Andrew Murray, expert in cultural relations and diplomacy, feels that the Brexit is only one of many issues facing the EU’s cultural climate.By Bambi Bogert
During Europe Day 2018, Programme Brexit sparked a heated debate. What other issues are we facing around Brexit? Andrew Murray, key note speaker at Europe Day, answers questions.
Do you think Brexit will impact the cultural sector?
Well, in all honesty it’s a bit beyond Brexit. It’s clear that Brexit, the rise of national populism and Trump will all affect European cultural diplomacy and cultural relations. The ironic fact is that a great deal of the new European approach to cultural diplomacy has come from the UK – via the British Council. And now the UK is set to leave, just as we’re about to implement this.What exactly is this new European Approach?
Instead of traditional cultural diplomacy, it’s based on what is called a ‘cultural relations approach’. This is much more about listening and under..
Artykuł prof. Beaty Ociepki w “Place Branding and Public Diplomacy”
Ukazał się nowy artykuł prof. Beaty Ociepki pt. "(Un)successful years: EU countries' cultural diplomacy with Russian Federation" w piśmie "Place Branding and Public Diplomacy" [JB emphasis]. Wersja online first jest dostępna na:
[INTERVIEW] Public diplomacy critical for multicultural Korea
Korea Foundation President Lee Si-hyung speaks during a recent interview with The Korea Times at his office in Seoul. / Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
KF helps raise public awareness toward government's diplomatic policies
By Yi Whan-woo
The latest hazing death of a biracial teenager in Incheon and anti-immigration protests against asylum seekers from Yemen show the challenges Korea faces as it becomes a multicultural society.
To tackle such challenges, the Korea Foundation (KF), a nonprofit organization that has been promoting public diplomacy [JB emphasis] under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is stepping up efforts to help people develop a global mindset, according to KF President Lee Si-hyung.
He deemed two projects — a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with district offices in Busan and the first "Public Diplomacy Week" — were especially helpful to achieve the goal.
The MOU was signed by ASEAN Culture House, an institution in Busan aimed at nurturing cult..
[Public Diplomacy Council report]
Via email
report on Dec. forum w Jody Olsen, events of interest this week
InboxxPublic Diplomacy Council2:57 PM (17 minutes ago)
to Adam, Hunter, bcc: John.H30Dear Colleagues,
If you missed this month’s First Monday forum with Peace Corps Director Jody Olsen, you can see Alan Heil’s article on her remarks at
Our next First Monday lunch forum on Jan. 7 will feature Emerson Brooking and Peter Singer, authors of Like War: The Weaponization of Social Media. As usual, we will convene at George Washington University’s Elliott School, in the Lindner Commons, Rom 602. And as always we ask that you RSVP to so we have an accurate count for catering. More about Brooking, Singer and their book at
Change of date for the next Council meeting: The next meeting of the Council membership will be on Monday morning, February 11th, instead of Monday, F..
[Polish Public Diplomacy at its best? ]: Michal Kurtyka, president of the climate...
Image from; see/hear also; on Kurtyka, see
Guy Farmer: Bush 41 and The Greatest Generation
Guy Farmer, Nevada Appeal, December 15, 2018
Farmer image from article
As the late President George H.W. Bush (Bush 41) was being laid to rest in recent days, a grateful nation honored him as president and as a prominent member of what Tom Brokaw calls the Greatest Generation, men and women who won World War II and came home to continue serving their country. They lived by four important words — duty, honor, country and family — and we'll miss them when they're gone.
I was touched by the moving tributes to Bush 41, one of the youngest U.S. Navy pilots at the outset of World War II. Although he was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, he enlisted in the Navy at the age of 18 in 1942. His eloquent biographer, Jon Meacham, described Bush as "America's last great soldier-statesman, a 20th century founding father," and lauded the courage Bush showed when, as a 20-year-old Navy pilot, he parachuted from a burning plane over the Pacific Ocean. How many of today&#..
Blank Sheet of Paper Distributed in Front of the White House [joke]
See also, as an indirect reference: Paul Rockower, "Stand-Up Diplomacy: Humor as Public Diplomacy,"
image from
JB's attempt at humor:
In Trumpian times, USA's Americans are telling a joke about a suspicious-looking man named Joe Smith who is distributing pamphlets in front of the White House. In a matter of minutes, the Secret Service finds him and takes him to headquarters. Only there do the agents realize that the sheets of paper are completely blank. “But there’s nothing written here,” one of them says. Smith says: “They know quite well what I mean.”
***Stolen from the following joke [anekdot]:
In Soviet times, Russia’s Jews told a joke about a man named Rabinovitch who was distributing pamphlets in Red Square. In a matter of minutes, the KGB had found him and taken him to headquarters. Only there did the agents realize that the sheets of paper were completely blank. “But there’s nothing written here,” one of them said. Rabinovitch said: “They know ..
EURASIAN CHAPTER’s 2018: public diplomacy, trainings and more…
This year was rich of activities, yet difficult for many reasons. Namely, the community portal has not been working since April, due to the change of EMA’s service provider, which made it mpossible for us to contact our chapter’s members and access to the mailing lists per countries or per chapter. If you are our chapter’s member and haven’t heard from us for a while, this is the reason why. At present, we can only contact members registered in our Facebook groups (EMA Eurasian chapter and various countries’ groups) and those who have personally been in contact with us. Besides, no EMA/ESAA budget was available this year, so we had to rely exclusively on our local partners to fund all the events. Nevertheless, over 40 events were organised across our chapter in 2018. This is a non-exhaustive overview of the main directions of our activities this year.
Public diplomacy [JB emphasis] and internationalisation of higher educationIn June, four chapter representatives, including thr..