Public diplomacy

Instagram Basics for Politics and Government

Facebook has issued a comprehensive guide on best practices for using Instagram to promote shared experiences and strengthen relationships. The guide positions images as a "new form of language" and explains how Instagram can help elected officials, political candidates and governments use this language to connect digitally with audiences. With 500 million people using Instagram each day, the guide demonstrates how compelling content is key to carrying messages to all corners of the globe. It emphasizes that by utilizing the platform's range of tools, including audiovisual material, engaging hashtags, stories, live video and more, users can tell a story that resonates with others on a personal level. Prominent global leaders such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, the guide notes, are successfully using Instagram to forge meaningful connections. "Elected officials, governments,..

Scientists from the first UK lab to work on live COVID-19: ‘We knew this...

Skip to content Professor Carole Mundell Chief Scientific Adviser Part of Coronavirus (COVID-19) 24th August 2020 London, United Kingdom Scientists from the first UK lab to work on live COVID-19: ‘We knew this virus was going to be different’ Over the past few months, my work has been dominated by the UK’s response to COVID-19, and how we can tackle this pandemic together internationally. I and my colleagues have been in touch with UK universities up and down the country, who are working tirelessly on researching COVID-19. We’ve heard from Andrew Davidson and David Matthews, who are founder members of the Bristol University COVID-19 Emergency Research (UNCOVER) Group. With a combined 20-years’ experience on coronaviruses, we were keen to hear more about their discoveries and understand why they believe international collaboration is key to overcoming the pandemic.Tell us about your first few months working on coronavirus and the ground-breaking discoveries at the University of Bristol..

Scientists from the first UK lab to work on live COVID-19: ‘We knew this...

Skip to content Professor Carole Mundell Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chief Scientific Adviser Part of Coronavirus (COVID-19) 24th August 2020 London, United Kingdom Scientists from the first UK lab to work on live COVID-19: ‘We knew this virus was going to be different’ Over the past few months, my work has been dominated by the UK’s response to COVID-19, and how we can tackle this pandemic together internationally. I and my colleagues have been in touch with UK universities up and down the country, who are working tirelessly on researching COVID-19. We’ve heard from Andrew Davidson and David Matthews, who are founder members of the Bristol University COVID-19 Emergency Research (UNCOVER) Group. With a combined 20-years’ experience on coronaviruses, we were keen to hear more about their discoveries and understand why they believe international collaboration is key to overcoming the pandemic.Tell us about your first few months working on coronavirus and the ground-breaking discover..

Scientists from the first UK lab to work on live COVID-19: ‘We knew this...

Skip to content Professor Carole Mundell Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chief Scientific Adviser Part of Coronavirus (COVID-19) 24th August 2020 London, United Kingdom Scientists from the first UK lab to work on live COVID-19: ‘We knew this virus was going to be different’ Over the past few months, my work has been dominated by the UK’s response to COVID-19, and how we can tackle this pandemic together internationally. I and my colleagues have been in touch with UK universities up and down the country, who are working tirelessly on researching COVID-19. We’ve heard from Andrew Davidson and David Matthews, who are founder members of the Bristol University COVID-19 Emergency Research (UNCOVER) Group. With a combined 20-years’ experience on coronaviruses, we were keen to hear more about their discoveries and understand why they believe international collaboration is key to overcoming the pandemic.Tell us about your first few months working on coronavirus and the ground-breaking discover..

Covid-19: Lessons From China’s Public Diplomacy in the EU

Throughout the development of the Covid-19 crisis, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has worked strenuously to frame the story from its perspective –...

PRIDE (In the Name of Love)

Skip to content Matt Field British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Part of UK in Bosnia and Herzegovina 21st August 2020 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina PRIDE (In the Name of Love) Last September, I counted myself lucky to join hundreds of others in the first ever PRIDE march in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite security concerns beforehand, it was a happy and joyful event, a celebration showing that this country is a home and open to all. This year there will be no physical event – a responsible decision given the COVID19 situation. But we will be with the same communities in spirit, through online events. Please follow @bh.povorkaponosa Facebook page for more details. The theme of this year’s PRIDE in BiH is ‘Nije život četiri zida’ – ‘No life within four walls’. It captures the experience of many LGBTI people that they cannot be themselves out in the world, that they are trapped. It is perhaps an experience that is easier to understand and empathise with after the last six mont..

PRIDE (In the Name of Love)

Skip to content Matt Field British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Part of UK in Bosnia and Herzegovina 21st August 2020 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina PRIDE (In the Name of Love) Last September, I counted myself lucky to join hundreds of others in the first ever PRIDE march in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite security concerns beforehand, it was a happy and joyful event, a celebration showing that this country is a home and open to all. This year there will be no physical event – a responsible decision given the COVID19 situation. But we will be with the same communities in spirit, through online events. Please follow @bh.povorkaponosa Facebook page for more details. The theme of this year’s PRIDE in BiH is ‘Nije život četiri zida’ – ‘No life within four walls’. It captures the experience of many LGBTI people that they cannot be themselves out in the world, that they are trapped. It is perhaps an experience that is easier to understand and empathise with after the last six mont..

PRIDE (In the Name of Love)

Skip to content Matt Field British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Part of UK in Bosnia and Herzegovina 21st August 2020 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina PRIDE (In the Name of Love) Last September, I counted myself lucky to join hundreds of others in the first ever PRIDE march in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite security concerns beforehand, it was a happy and joyful event, a celebration showing that this country is a home and open to all. This year there will be no physical event – a responsible decision given the COVID19 situation. But we will be with the same communities in spirit, through online events. Please follow @bh.povorkaponosa Facebook page for more details. The theme of this year’s PRIDE in BiH is ‘Nije život četiri zida’ – ‘No life within four walls’. It captures the experience of many LGBTI people that they cannot be themselves out in the world, that they are trapped. It is perhaps an experience that is easier to understand and empathise with after the last six mont..

The European Energy Transition

Skip to content Mikael Allan Mikaelsson PhD, Science and Innovation Policy Advisor, Europe Head of Clean Growth & Climate Change 17th August 2020 Stockholm, Sweden The European Energy Transition Over the last year, the UK government’s international Science and Innovation Network has been collaborating with UK Research & Innovation and the Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) to produce a market study to identify some of the key European countries that are seeing significant changes in their domestic energy system as a result of the energy transition and the most exciting markets for smart systems and flexibility business models. The work carried out by ESC, identified six priority countries from an assessment of 31 countries across Europe, which are either making considerable inroads or have favourable conditions for the scale-up in the use of smart and flexible energy innovation and solution, as Europe continues its journey to meet it climate commitments. The importance of this kind of work..

The European Energy Transition

Skip to content Mikael Allan Mikaelsson PhD, Science and Innovation Policy Advisor, Europe Head of Clean Growth & Climate Change 17th August 2020 Stockholm, Sweden The European Energy Transition Over the last year, the UK government’s international Science and Innovation Network has been collaborating with UK Research & Innovation and the Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) to produce a market study to identify some of the key European countries that are seeing significant changes in their domestic energy system as a result of the energy transition and the most exciting markets for smart systems and flexibility business models. The work carried out by ESC, identified six priority countries from an assessment of 31 countries across Europe, which are either making considerable inroads or have favourable conditions for the scale-up in the use of smart and flexible energy innovation and solution, as Europe continues its journey to meet it climate commitments. The importance of this kind of work..