Public diplomacy

Diplomacy in the digital age **December 18, 2014**

A Deutschland interview with Norbert Riedel, the Federal Foreign Office’s Commissioner for International Cyber Policy Dr Riedel, you have been Commissioner for International Cyber Policy...

Ireland and Public Diplomacy: “Still Here/Here Still”

A guest commentary by two former U.S. diplomats who were posted in Ireland underscores the diplomatic importance of the written and spoken word. Paul Gleeson,...

Diplomacy in the Age of Globalization

How can proponents of human security help overcome the limitations of traditional state-on-state approaches towards defense? According to Joseph Siracusa, they can encourage decision-makers...

Six social movements the world can learn from

A look at recent, digitally empowered campaigns whose challenges and successes provide guidelines for making change Rallying against climate change in New York, September 21,...

Inside Obama’s Stealth Startup

President Obama has quietly recruited top tech talent from the likes of Google and Facebook. Their mission: to reboot how government works. For Eric Maland,...

Prvi skup u Srbiji o digitalnoj diplomatiji održava se 01. juna 2015. godine

Prvi skup u Srbiji o digitalnoj diplomatiji održava se, u organizaciji Beogradske inicijative za digitalnu i javnu diplomatiju, BIDD u ponedeljak 01.juna 2015. godine...

Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Turske objavilo ‘’ Diplomatski portal ‘’

Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike Turske, aktiviralo je protekle sedmice komunikacioni portal “ Diplomatic portal “. MSP Turske namerava da on postane važan informativni kanal ministarstva...

Kako se blogeri koriste za manipulaciju masama

Postoji jedna zajednička osobina svih ovih blogerskih akcija koje su postale popularne: izazivanje besa u narodu Blogovi i blogeri. Na prvi pogled, reklo bi se...

From Paris, With Tough Love

I’M a little worried about the French ambassador. Sure, he’s good-looking and charming and popular and lives in the most romantic chateau in town. But I...

Op-Ed: Walter Isaacson on U.S. media and public diplomacy

American writer Walter Isaacson, in a Broadcasting Board of Governors conversation about U.S. public diplomacy and news outreach abroad, did not get web and...