Public diplomacy

The first passenger car in ‪#‎Belgrade‬ arrived to the Serbian capital ‪#‎OnThisDay‬ in 1903

The first passenger car in ‪#‎Belgrade‬ arrived to the Serbian capital ‪#‎OnThisDay‬ in 1903. The travelers who found themselves at the train station in...

Celebrity diplomacy: Can Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie or Leonardo DiCaprio really make a difference?

Celebrity sells. Nicole Kidman stretches back on a first-class leather seat as the new face of Etihad Airways in commercials launched last week -...

Government Public Relations: Public Diplomacy or Propaganda?

When politicians attempt to communicate their views in the public forum, the practice can be seen as a perquisite of the democratic process. This...

To Bot or Not: Politički botovi u Srbiji

To cocodak, or not to cocodaaaak, that is the question! Zamislimo daleeeeku budućnost, jedan idealan, tehnološki i darvinovski napredan svet u kome svekolike živuljke egzistiraju...

The Queen of Jordan: Social media can show an Arab world beyond ISIS

  Image: Vatican Pool/Getty Images Over the past 16 years, Queen Rania of Jordan has become a champion of women's rights, a vocal proponent of education...

Is "Public Diplomacy" Dead?

Sunday, March 1st 2015 Over the past several days a debate has raged in the Public Diplomacy Council.  What gets such a calm, reserved group so...

The Power of People-to-People Diplomacy in Japan-China Relations

International relations are traditionally conducted by national leaders, government officials and diplomats. Yet the power of citizen exchanges, or “people-to-people diplomacy”, is often underestimated....

Indian Foreign office to go to school

New Delhi, Feb. 27: India's foreign office is going back to school - not to learn new tricks, but to try and ignite allure...

Measuring government impact in a social media world

Today’s post is by Arthur Mickoleit & Ryan Androsoff, Digital government policy analysts in the OECD Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development There is...