(What is ) Public Diplomacy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Public Diplomacy is that "form of international Political Advocacy in which the civilians of one country use legitimate means to...
(What is ) Covert Propaganda
Covert propaganda refers to media materials prepared by a government agency and then disseminated by a non-government outlet with the source undisclosed. What...
Digitalna diplomatija terorista: Islamska država upozorava Italiju
Digitalni ratnici islamske državeISIS uputili su upozorenje italijanskoj državi da dolaze da napadnu Rim.
Učinili su to na neuobičajen način kroz haštag na Tviteru #We_Are_Coming_O_Rome...
Premijeri Srbije i Slovenije, Aleksandar Vučić i Miro Cerar, tokom današnjeg susreta na Brdu kod Kranja, gde je u toku zajednička sednica vlada dve...
Using social media to innovate service delivery – one size does not fit all
When I think about social media use to improve service delivery, I intuitively think about the likes of Apple, Google or Amazon. And the...
Digitalna diplomatija premijera Srbije
Ovogodišnjni Dan državnosti Republike Srbije obeležilo je otvaranje zvaničnog Tviter naloga predsednika Vlade Republike Srbije. Aleksandar Vučić, sadašnji premijer Republike Srbije koji još od...
Weighty issues: Yoga and Facebook come together at envoys’ retreat
When over 100 top diplomats meet, you would expect them to discuss weighty issues – India’s place in the world, high strategy, the volatile...
¿Qué es la diplomacia digital?
Suena a algo que se le ocurrió a la persona del fondo de la sala de juntas. Algo que tiene que ver con el...
Twiplomacy at the UN
UNITED NATIONS — Formerly derided as the domain of time-wasting and self-obsession, social media has emerged as an unlikely shining light for international relations and...
Digital Diplomacy Gets New Momentum with the Virtual Ambassador Program
Digital diplomacy gets new momentum at the Royal Norwegian Embassy, as Amb. Aas is reaching out to American students via the Embassy’s Virtual Ambassador...