Canada $9 million for ‘direct diplomacy’
Munk School of Global Affairs, federal government partner on Digital Public Square project
The Munk School of Global Affairs. JENNIFER SU/THE VARSITY
The University of Toronto’s...
Exclusive interview with the director of Israel’s Digital Diplomacy Unit
Israel has one of the most active Digital Diplomacy units in the world. In a recent survey I conducted of 86 countries spanning the...
Brussels Diplomatic: Serbia Is A Lovely Country To Visit
Brussels Diplomatic, an emagazine published by Desnerck Media Ltd for EU-affairs, diplomacy and expats in Brussels put last week a great article talking about...
Who to follow in the world of twiplomacy?
When exploring the world of digital diplomacy, one is often confronted by a puzzling plurality of official twitter channels. For instance, the US digital...
Searching for a definition of Digital Diplomacy
It might seem somewhat ludicrous to dedicate a blog to the subject of Digital Diplomacy without first offering a definition of the term Digital...
Why Mahmoud Abbas should join Twitter
PA President should join Twitter to create the climate necessary for the continuation of peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud...
Brian Barder
Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
232 + xii pages; price not indicated
Sir Brian Barder portrays the working life of British diplomats through the experiences of...
The Magnificent Serbia
Promo video of Serbia, the most beautiful country in the world, filled with lovely people, after all, my home. ♥
This is the true Serbia.
China’s Cyber Diplomacy: a Taste of Law to Come?
China is showing its readiness to make and not just take international rules.
In 2014, China stepped up its campaign to shape international norms governing...
Ethiopia: Conference and Training On Digital Diplomacy Opened in Addis Ababa
A four-day conference on the conceptualization and practice of digital diplomacy opened on Tuesday (January 13) in Addis Ababa bringing together all the officials...