Public diplomacy

As The Arab Spring Turns To Fall, A Lingering Hope For Peace Through Tech

  Two decades after he served as the chief negotiator for peace talks between the then Yasser Arafat-led Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel under Yitzhak...

MEA logs into e-diplomacy

Diplomats are still required to be discreet and master the art of equivocation, but they are also now mandated to be more communicative without...

EVENT: The Role of Public Diplomacy in Fostering Russian-British Relations Conference, 27-29 October, London

  UK-Russia Year of Culture 2014 The Role of Public Diplomacy in Fostering Russian-British Relations Conference  27-29 October 2014, London   The St Petersburg Association for International Co-operation...

Digital diplomacy, social media and the Holy See

 Transcript of Ambassador Nigel Baker's interview with Fr. Antonio Spadaro, Cyberteologia 23 September 2014   When and why the British Embassy to the Holy See has...

PD in action 10 Reasons to Set Off on a Serbian Adventure!

All Aboard the Balkan Express! 10 Reasons to Set Off on a Serbian Adventure!   Attention back-packers, frequent flyers and Lonely Planeteers! This is a public...

Sweden’s Public Diplomacy program for 2014 “Sweden on the Road”

As part of 'Going Glocal', Embassy of Sweden's Public Diplomacy program for 2014, Sweden put its own distinctive spin on the classically American experience...

A Day in the Life of a Public Diplomacy Officer at a U.S. Embassy

It seems that few people really know what we – Public Diplomacy Officers – do everyday. I get questions all the time from students at...

CFP: Global diplomacy and natural resources – July 2015, Paris Diderot

Voir plus bas pour la version française CALL FOR PAPERS   Global diplomacy and natural resources: stakes, practices and influences of non-state actors (18th-21st centuries) ***** 2-3 July, 2015 Paris-Diderot University (LARCA)   Since...

Russia’s public diplomacy increases tension within Latvia ?

Nearly all of Russia’s public diplomacy instruments lead to confrontations on either the internal political or external political level, as concluded in the latest...

Public Diplomacy “Is Indonesia losing the race?”

Public diplomacy is a key pillar of a country’s foreign policy toolkit. In a world where non-state actors – foreign publics, media, NGOs, civil...