Public diplomacy

Srbija najaktivnija u digitalnoj diplomatiji tokom poplava

  NJUJORK - Srpska vlada koristila se digitalnom diplomatijom posebno tokom razornih poplava u maju ove godine, pa je čak i otvorila zvanični "Pejpal" nalog...

Top World Leaders Use Twitter to Broadcast Messages

Aug 05, 2014 Written by  Rob Arcand, Editorial Intern The 2014 Twiplomacy report was released in June from global...

“BIDD Theme this week” Buy Real Twitter Followers Who Really Retweet!

Are you struggling to become popular on Twitter? Do u feel u hardly have any followers?Are you having troubles getting more likes and tweets...

“BIDD Theme this week” Report: 44% of Twitter Accounts Have Never Sent a Tweet

Twitter is having no trouble signing up users. But some new research provides an update on the size of an ongoing problem: getting people...

“BIDD Theme this week” Fake Twitter followers generate millions of dollars

Selling fake Twitter followers now generates up to an estimated $360 million per year. Get Circa News Follow Storyline Share 1 There are an estimated more than 20 million...

“BIDD Theme this week” Twitter has 23 million bots, according to SEC filing

Technology - August 12, 2014 7:03AM Tens of millions of Twitter's hundreds of millions of accounts are potentially operated automatically by bots, the company said...

Will the Chinese Communist Party become social media’s ‘most followed’?

  Officials of the Organisation Department at the launch ceremony. Photo: Xinhua Is the Chinese Communist Party about to become China’s ‘most followed’ poster on the...

“BIDD Theme this week” Can Twitter Curb Growing Black Market for Fake Followers After...

Is your social media professional the real deal? There's a dark secret amongst social media pros, and you're not going to like this. The purchase...

“BIDD Theme this week” Detecting Fake Twitter Followers

How Easy Is It To Tell That You Are Faking It On Twitter?   Fake followers are rampant on Twitter. Even the most unsuspecting profile has...

“BIDD Theme this week” What A Twitter Fake Follower Now Looks Like

  Over the last couple of weeks we have been doing some research on the current state of Fake Followers on Twitter. This is so...