The Not So Cold War: State Department Bans Ice Bucket Challenge for Diplomats
Photo: Creative Commons
With terrorists running rampant in Iraq and Russian convoys violating Ukrainian borders, the U.S. State Department is fussing over a new unnerving...
Joseph Nye: Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century
On 20 January 2010, the first anniversary of President Obamas inauguration, US political theorist Joseph Nye gave a lecture at Portcullis House, London, on...
British Embassy Commemorates Burning the White House 200 Years Ago, Apologizes
After joking about the anniversary of British troops invading Washington, D.C. and burning...
Modern Diplomacy
What does it take to be a successful diplomat? How has the profession changed and what shape will diplomacy take in the future? Jorge...
“BIDD Theme this week” EXTRA ***ISIS Propaganda Machine Is Horrifying and Effective. How Does...
This undated screen capture of an Islamic State propaganda video sees a masked jihadi standing before a computer generated map of IS...
“BIDD Theme this week” 8/8 ***Is Twitter a tech company or a news...
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo finds himself facing the same questions that news executives do: Where do you draw the line?
Twitter was founded on the...
“BIDD Theme this week” 5/8 ***Where Is ISIS Moving To Online As Twitter Clamps...
“It’s almost like using Linux to control a bomb.” posted on Aug. 20, 2014, at 7:45 p.m.
J.M. Berger @intelwire
TANGO DOWN... Shit...
“BIDD Theme this week” 6/8 ***US Countermeasure to IS Social Media Presence***
In an editorial for The Dallas Morning News, reprinted from Politico, Jacob Silverman examines one of the State Department’s most recent social media campaigns...
“BIDD Theme this week” 4/8 ***Israel Does About-Face Over Hamas-ISIS Tweet**
Social Media Storm Over James Foley Photo Prompts Change of Images
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on Wednesday Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
Weekend topic 3/8 ***The ISIS five-point plan to getting round suspension of social media...
ISIS accounts suspended after sharing video of James Foley's beheading
YouTube and Twitter vowed to close accounts if video was circulated further
ISIS is targetting other...