Public diplomacy

I’m Not Serbian. Nor Do I Live In Serbia. I’m An American Man Helping...

Matthew Trinetti is not Serbian, nor he lives in Serbia. He is a young American living in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. And what this American...

Exclusive interview with Gal Rudich, Head of new media section at the Israeli foreign...

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to further my study of Israel’s Digital Diplomacy by interviewing Gal Rudich, Head of New Media Section...

Open Your Heart And Support Flood Victims In Serbia

This blog is read all around the world, and I want to use this platform as a way to mobilize help and aid to...

The EU 2014 Digital Scoreboard: how did you fare?

  Brussels, 28 May 2014 The EU 2014 Digital Scoreboard: how did you fare? New data shows the Commission is on track to complete 95 of its...

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship might seem at times an ephemeral, almost narcissistic, aspect of our life. Too often we neglect the rights and responsibilities that our...

Putin nacionalizuje internet

Ako svađa Rusa i Amerikanaca „balkanizuje” svetsku mrežu i Srbija će morati da se uklopi Internet je, očigledno, postao političko oruđe (Ilustracija Orlando Florin Rosu) „Internet...

The Indian prime minister’s office just threw away 1.24 million Twitter followers

  "Wave goodbye to all those followers, Modi." Reuters/Amit Dave Since January 2012, Dr Manmohan Singh, the outgoing prime minister of India, has regaled the 1.24 million followers of...

From Boston: Support Serbia And Bosnia

Stephanie Davis, an American woman from Boston, Massachusetts put up yesterday a blog post asking people to donate $20 or $5 for Serbian people...

Helping Others Is Just How Serbs Are

Yesterday I received an email from my friend Christopher Rudder, a Canadian musician living in Toronto who has visited several times Serbia and made...


Ми због нечег сматрамо да нам је довољно да искористимо то што већина становништва у Србији воли Русију На питања корпоративног часописа Газпром одговара Наталија...