Public diplomacy

India and the UK join forces for Affordable Approaches to Cancer – Funding for...

Skip to content Nick Grant Executive Director, Strategy and International Partnerships at Cancer Research UK Guest blogger for Rosie Duthie Part of Global Science and Innovation Network 15th October 2019 Science and Innovation Network India and the UK join forces for Affordable Approaches to Cancer – Funding for Seven Research Challenges open now! Late last year, just over 60 leading cancer experts from India and the UK gathered in Delhi for 2 days. They were attending a researchers’ summit with one important aim: to identify the core research challenges in developing affordable approaches to the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer. During those 2 days in India, the foundations were laid for the ‘Affordable Approaches to Cancer’ initiative, a partnership between Cancer Research UK and India’s Department of Biotechnology (DBT). This new partnership aims to bring together the best and brightest of the British and Indian scientific communities to address the biggest cance..

Bitola Babam Bitola

Skip to content Rachel Galloway British Ambassador Guest blogger for UK in North Macedonia Part of UK in North Macedonia 15th October 2019 Skopje, North Macedonia Bitola Babam Bitola In pursuing my goal of visiting local cities and exploring local communities, last week my destination was Bitola city. While on the road, I was excited to learn a few words and expressions in the local dialect as I had heard so much about its uniqueness. Fortunately, my first attempts were mostly well received by the local people and the twitter community. My first visit was at “Todor Angelevski” primary school. I was privileged tobe warmly welcomed by the pupils at the school’s entrance and witness their dancing skills. The class work was extremely interesting particularly seeing the youngest children expressing emotions using their coding skills developed as part of our 21st Century Schools project. The main reasons why this month we choose to visit Bitola, was the official opening of the small group ..

The Bear and The Catapult

Skip to content Stephen Brennan Consul, Science and Innovation, Shanghai Part of Global Science and Innovation Network 14th October 2019 Shanghai, China The Bear and The Catapult OK, now I’ve got your attention I should point out that the headline refers to Sir Michael Bear, former Lord Mayor of London and senior advisor to the Connected Places Catapult. Sir Michael was joined by Connected Places Catapult chief executive Nicola Yates OBE, and 5 UK SMEs on a recent mission to China, which was supported by the Science and Innovation Network (SIN). The theme of the mission was “Connected Places”, which covers “connected” technologies in areas such as transport, infrastructure and sensing. The five companies that took part in the mission all provide innovative products aligned to this theme.” So what types of technology and companies are involved with Connected Places? Below is a brief synopsis of each company and what they do. ELAD Network – ELAD Network is a Blockchain based estate agen..

What is Chevening?

Skip to content Paul Brummell Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate 13th October 2019 London,UK What is Chevening? It was great to have the opportunity to speak to our 1,750 new Chevening Scholars yesterday at the exuberant event that is Chevening Orientation. This is what I said. What is Chevening? Chevening is a place. It is a large rural mansion house in the English county of Kent, to the south-east of London, built in the early 17th century. The story of how this country house gave its name to the Chevening scholarships programme is closely linked to the history of an English aristocratic family named Stanhope. The title of Earl Stanhope was created in 1718 for James Stanhope, a prominent military commander who then pursued a career as a politician, supporting the Hanoverian Succession and thus the reign of King George I. He became Prime Minister in all but name, and indeed he is sometimes described as Britain’s first Prime Minister, a title..

Mobile Consular Service in Hawassa, Ethiopia

Approximately, 350 Sri Lankans attended the mobile consular service and the activities of the day included processing of applications for new passports, attestation of documents, police clearance certificates, issues pertaining to lost passports, assistance with regard to employment in Ethiopia, compensation and repatriation related issues of migrant workers and certification of application forms to open NRFC accounts in Sri Lanka.

UK funded project on integrating conventional arms control with conflict prevention gets started

Skip to content Simon Cleobury UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament 11th October 2019 Geneva, Switzerland UK funded project on integrating conventional arms control with conflict prevention gets started I am delighted to announce that the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) project that I mentioned in my previous blog on integrating conventional arms control into the UN’s conflict prevention and management activities got underway this month. The United Kingdom has provided seed funding to UNIDIR to get the project started. The project will address the continued underuse of conventional arms control treaties and frameworks in preventing, managing and resolving modern conflicts. It will look at ways of better integrating understanding of conventional arms control into United Nations peace making and peacebuilding processes. This will include: Furthering understanding on the connections between conventional arms control and conflict p..

Evropski parlament poziva društvene mreže: Borite se protiv opasne ruske propagande

Uprkos čestim saopštenjima iz EU „o pretnji ruske propagande“, Evropska komisija je u svom izveštaju od juna ove godine priznala da nije otkrila znakove javne kampanje dezinformacija spolja, kada je reč o izborima za Evropski parlament, iako su izvestili o pokušajima „nekih ruskih izvora“ da utiču na izbor birača.

Chennai Soft Power 30

Based in Chennai, one of Indias cultural capitals, the Center for Soft Power (CSP) is an India Foundation institute that studies and researches Indian soft power, mapping along the way the wide diversity of cultural forms present in the country. Lately, the Center has embarked on a unique project titled Chennai Soft Power 30, which seeks to document and interview 30 of Chennai's most internationally recognized performing artists in the fields of music and dance. The videos below look at the journey of some of Chennai's top-performers and explain how they have spread Indian culture globally through their art. This video features an interview with dance couple Renjith and Vijna who have toured the world performing Indian folk dances. The original video can be found on the Center for Soft Power's Youtube channel here. This one features an interview with Grammy nominated bamboo flute maestro Shashank Subramanyam, who has col..

Upoznajte ljude koji brišu komentare na društvenim mrežama

Sve veća armija moderatora ima nezavidni zadatak da proseje sve to, ponekad po veliku cenu za njihovo mentalno zdravlje.

Shortwave Radio: Reaching Dissidents in China? Good theory, but…

Shortwave radio was a mainstay of international news and information programs. It was the “new media” embraced to bypass and overcome the censorship of cables, the “old media.” This was particularly true in the United States. Radio broadcasting was seen as such an important and critical element to our national security a century ago that the Secretary of the Navy, a newspaper owner interested in the psychological defense of the nation, tried several times to nationalize wireless transmitters. He may have failed, but he contributed to forcing a British firm to sell their U.S. broadcasting assets which became the Radio Corporation of America. Indicative of the importance of the medium, RCA voting stock could only be owned by U.S. citizens, a restriction that was not removed until the 1980s. Shortwave radio was used by nations for engagement, to distribute news and information to faraway places. It is not surprising then to see a new article urging the use of shortwave today to penetrat..