Public diplomacy

Mexico, Cuba, and Trump’s Increasing Preference for Punishment Over Diplomacy

In his approach to the carrot-versus-stick equation that is central to statecraft, Donald Trump always opts for the stick. Apparently unaware of, or unconcerned with, the advantages...

[Hong Seok-in] What’s so public about Korea’s Public Diplomacy?

Listed among Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in 2019, Korea’s seven-member boy band BTS can count 19 music videos with more than 1...

„Kosovo je Srbija“: Ivica Dačić se priključio kampanji ispisivanja poruke na novčanicama

Novčanice različitih valuta su retke preostale stvari koje kruže celim svetom. Od nedavno se na nekima od njih može naći i poruka „Kosovo je...

The Kosova lashes

Foinika Kay, beauty influenserka iz Njujorka, Kosovarka po poreklu, skoro 2 miliona folovera. Lansirala je svoje veštačke trepavice pod nazivom "Kosovo", za Tarte Cosmetics....

Embassies Embrace Fashion as Public Diplomacy Tool

Better known for high tempers than high fashion, Washington, D.C., has seen catwalks pop up in the unlikeliest of places recently: embassies, historic buildings and even the State Department.That’s because people in the diplomatic community are realizing — and relishing — fashion’s role in diplomacy. Much as food, art and sports can say a lot about a nation’s culture, fashion does, too.“There’s tremendous power in what we wear,” said Jan Du Plain, president and chief executive officer of Du Plain Global Enterprises, an international public relations and events company that helped launch Cultural Tourism DC’s Passport DC program. “If one of our high-level women or men wears something that is inappropriate or can be seen as questionable, fashion speaks. When we wear something, it can have such a strong impact on people because we are watching, particularly those that are high up in government.”Du Plain recently worked with Indira ..

A New Path Ahead For U.S. Public Diplomacy Advocates In A Digital Age?

It’s a term used more widely than ever in the 21st century, as a leading scholar of the concept, the University of Southern California’s Professor Nicholas J. Cull explains: “Public diplomacy deals with the influence of public attitudes on the formation and execution of a nation’s foreign policies.”Dr. Cull adds that PD encompasses dimensions of international relations beyond traditional diplomacy, including:The formation of public opinion in other countriesThe interaction of private groups in one country with those of anotherThe reporting of foreign affairs and its impact on policyCommunication between those whose job it is in various countries, including diplomats and foreign correspondents.These themes reflect a wide range of intercultural communications, public and private, via cultural and educational exchanges with international visitors and US-funded global broadcasting.W..

Russian sharp power targeting the European elections in Central-Eastern Europe

While much attention has been paid in the international media to the abilities of the Kremlin to influence foreign elections, relatively little is known about why and how everyday citizens resonate to these attempts in post-communist countries of Central-Eastern Europe. Political Capital, therefore, explored the vulnerability and resilience to Russian hostile influence by focusing on the horizontal, online “grassroots” communication between citizens. Our research revealed not only the basic societal drivers behind these influence operations but how these came into play during the 2019 European elections campaign in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.International polling, such as Pew’s 2018 research, has been proving the failure of Russian “soft power” since ..

The West Point Speech and the Foreign Service

President Barack Obama delivers the commencement address at the United States Military Academy at West Point commencement ceremony at Michie Stadium in West Point, NY, on May 28, 2014. Official White House photo by Pete Souza.“America must always lead” was the theme of President Obama’s speech at West Point on May 28, 2014. This essay – posted on the former website of the Public Diplomacy Council on June 3, 2014, now republished for reference – was a response.Five years later, the nation has a new president, but the four trends mentioned in the essay endure It’s still true, for instance, that “no cavalry troop with a stagecoach of gold is headed our way.” And the need for strong diplomacy is as necessary in the current administration as it was in the last.The columnists and talking heads have given out grades – ranging from “A” to “F” – for President Obama’s speech on foreign policy at West Point. Me? I’m just confused – indeed ..

Malawakil Manama’s Public Diplomacy Initiative EMBASSY OF MALAYSIA, MANAMA The Ambassador of Malaysia to the Kingdom of Bahrain, His Excellency Agus Salim bin Yusof, and his wife, Norsyazwani Hamdan, paid a visit to Bahrain’s main hospital, Salmaniya Hospital on 21 May 2019. The purpose of the visit was to distribute gifts from the Embassy and PERWAKILAN Manama to more than 40 children in the paediatric ward of the Hospital, on the occasion of gergaoun (children’s traditional festival celebrated in mid-Ramadhan). The Embassy hopes that the gifts brought joy and happiness to the children who could not celebrate gergaoun with their families and friends. This first-ever initiative undertaken by the Embassy was one of the activities lined up to commemorate the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and the Kingdom of Bahrain this year.

Ambassador of the Year & Public Diplomacy Awards 2019

Posted by Editor on Monday, May 27, 2019; Diplomat Magazine On the occasion of the 2nd Canada’s Ambassador of the Year&Public Diplomacy Awards 2019, the Faculty of Civil and Common Law of the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with the Deanship of the Diplomatic Corps of Canada and the International Public Diplomacy [JB emphasis] Council by Diplomat Magazine, celebrated in March its Awards Ceremony, that was followed by a reception. The Award consisted in a Canadian Inukshuk sculpture, and it was presented by the Deans of the Faculties of Law and the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. Twelve prizes went to heads of diplomatic missions from twelve geographical regions to 12 award-winning ambassadors. Moreover, four special awards and recognitions were handed to organizations working closely with the foreign missions present in Canada. Special prizes also went to distinguished individuals, including a High Special Diplomatic Recognition to H.E. Constant Horace, Dean of the Diplomatic Cor..