I’m Not Serbian. Nor Do I Live In Serbia. I’m An American Man Helping...
Matthew Trinetti is not Serbian, nor he lives in Serbia. He is a young American living in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. And what this American...
Open Your Heart And Support Flood Victims In Serbia
This blog is read all around the world, and I want to use this platform as a way to mobilize help and aid to...
Putin nacionalizuje internet
Ako svađa Rusa i Amerikanaca „balkanizuje” svetsku mrežu i Srbija će morati da se uklopi
Internet je, očigledno, postao političko oruđe (Ilustracija Orlando Florin Rosu)
From Boston: Support Serbia And Bosnia
Stephanie Davis, an American woman from Boston, Massachusetts put up yesterday a blog post asking people to donate $20 or $5 for Serbian people...
Helping Others Is Just How Serbs Are
Yesterday I received an email from my friend Christopher Rudder, a Canadian musician living in Toronto who has visited several times Serbia and made...
Ми због нечег сматрамо да нам је довољно да искористимо то што већина становништва у Србији воли Русију
На питања корпоративног часописа Газпром одговара Наталија...
Serbia Needs Your Help
Yesterday it was the second time I met a friend who lives in Obrenovac, a city some 30 kilometres southwest of where I live,...
Dr Slobodan Vukčević: Izazovi diplomatije u digitalnom dobu
Piše: Gordana Radisavljević – Jočić
Dr Slobodan Vukčević rođen je 1970. gоdine u Osijeku. Diplomirao je na Pravnom fakultetu u Beogradu, magistrirao u Budimpešti na...
Jaka diplomatija za modernu državu
Modernizacija srpske države podrazumeva jaku diplomatiju i prve obaveze će biti sastanak sledeće nedelje Komiteta ministara Saveta Evrope, potom sastanak u Solunu ministara država...
Support and solidarity for my people in Serbia!
Support and solidarity for my people in Serbia! Pls RT #serbiafloods #unite #poplave pic.twitter.com/llxr1EpXQL