Digital diplomacy is your friend … as long as you remember that friendship is...
First of all, I hope that you are all well, that these strange, sometimes even scary times marked by COVID-19 have not been too...
Why are U.S. Presidents not following other world leaders on social media?
President-elect Joe Biden is “expected to engage, engage, engage” wrote CBS News Foreign Affairs analyst Pamela Falk, adding “Mr. Biden has made it clear...
The Happiest Warrior Bruce Herschensohn, 1932–2020
Bruce Herschensohn would hate what I’m about to do. He always lamented that Years of Lightning, Day of Drums—the acclaimed documentary he produced about...
How Public Diplomacy Can Help Regain U.S. Credibility
Be honest with Americans and foreigners, fight authoritarian propaganda and empower diplomats in the field.
Frequently in the last four years, I — along with...
More rot at America’s public diplomacy mouthpiece
Since his Senate confirmation this summer, new United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) CEO Michael Pack has come under fire for calling out...
Israel’s secret weapon: 800 channels on social media
Relations with Arab world, country’s global standing improve thanks to social media department deep within Foreign Ministry.
The announcement of the Abraham Accords on IsraelArabic...
Japan the Titan of Soft Power
Japan the titan of soft power is well recognized for its technological superiority, arts, aesthetics, and cuisines. Japan once avoided spreading its culture around its neighborhood in the fear of reviving the old wounds but after Japan ignited its public diplomacy it projected far superior power which could overshadow its grim past. Public diplomacy is […]
The post Japan the Titan of Soft Power appeared first on Modern Diplomacy.
Festival della Diplomazia a Roma, ecco tutti gli appuntamenti
Il Festival della Diplomazia, diretto verso la X edizione, nasce nel 2009 dalla consapevolezza della centralità di Roma in ambito internazionale. Nella città, infatti,...
First Impressions
This is the first chance that I have had to sit and reflect upon my first month in a new home, a new city, and a new role as UK Ambassador to Serbia.
Chennai Soft Power 30
Based in Chennai, one of Indias cultural capitals, the Center for Soft Power (CSP) is an India Foundation institute that studies and researches Indian soft power, mapping along the way the wide diversity of cultural forms present in the country.
Lately, the Center has embarked on a unique project titled Chennai Soft Power 30, which seeks to document and interview 30 of Chennai's most internationally recognized performing artists in the fields of music and dance.
The videos below look at the journey of some of Chennai's top-performers and explain how they have spread Indian culture globally through their art.
This video features an interview with dance couple Renjith and Vijna who have toured the world performing Indian folk dances.
The original video can be found on the Center for Soft Power's Youtube channel here.
This one features an interview with Grammy nominated bamboo flute maestro Shashank Subramanyam, who has col..