I Love Serbian People. I Love Serbian Food


Stephanie Be I Love Serbian People And I Love Serbian Food

Stephanie Be, an American girl from California who has lived in Rio, Barcelona, and Sydney, wrote last week an article for Huffington Post titled “You Should Be Eating and Drinking in Belgrade, Serbia Right Now” Well, I know that French cuisine is fantastic as I lived 40 years in France before coming to Serbia. But if you’re looking for the best food in the world, I agree with Stephanie, look no further, come to Serbia and enjoy Serbian food. Oops! You will also love Serbian people.

Stephanie Be wrote:

Not everyone is a foodie who appreciates a fine eight course meal, or a cheap, deliciously cheesy chow down. Not everyone will indulge in local beers and wines at a fare that’s unfair. But for all of us that take to tasting and talking to locals… Belgrade, or Beograd, is the city for us!

I found Belgrade to be similar to Cyprus in culture. Although very different destinations, (Cyprus is an island with a few major towns, while Belgrade is a city with a centered area of tourism and two popular strips along the river), Serbian people are also unbelievably friendly and welcoming… Somewhere between survival and revolution, young Serbians blew a breath of life into Belgrade. Great food. Great drinks. Great nightlife. Great boat parties. Great people.

I love Serbian people. I really, truly felt at home in Belgrade.

Do not read only this short excerpt, read and watch the great pictures of Serbian food of Stephanie Be here. Great people, great food… Maybe it is time to visit Serbia… or to come back home.