networks.h-net.orgDiscussion published by Lauriane Simony on Friday, May 3, 2019 0 Replies
The international conference "Cultural diplomacy in the world since 1945: prestige, influence, cooperation" will take place on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th of May 2019 at the Maison de la Recherche de Paris 3 (Room Claude Simon), 4 rue des Irlandais (Paris 5). The conference is organized by Lara Cuny and Lauriane Simony (University Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle) with the support of ED 514, CREW, PRISMES (Paris 3) and LARCA (Paris 7). The programme of the conference is below. In order to attend the conference, please register by sending an e-mail to the organizers: et lauriane.simony@sorbonne-nouvelle.frRegistration is free. We look forward to welcoming you to the conference!Lara Cuny and Lauriane Simony
***Friday 17th May09:00: Registration and coffee09:15: Opening words by Florence Baillet, director of the doctoral school EDEAGE09:30: Guest speaker — Nora Hickey M’Sichili, director of the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris10:15: COFFEE BREAK10:30: PANEL 1 —— Cultural diplomacy and the Cold WarMODERATOR Annick Cizel (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle)
- Nela Erdeljac (University of Zagreb): Branding the Nations : A comparative analysis of cultural diplomatic efforts between Yugoslavia and the United States in the Cold War
- Jonathan Rosenberg (Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center): Diplomatic instruments: US symphony orchestras fight the Cold War
- Benjamin P. Greene (Bowling Green State University): Comparative Cultural Diplomacy in Cold War Berlin
- Óscar J. Martín García (Complutense University of Madrid): Public diplomacy [JB emphasis], modernisation and the Cold War. The Foreign Policy of the United States towards Franco’s Spain
12:30: LUNCH13:30: Guest speaker — François Croquette, former director of the Institut Français in London14:15: COFFEE BREAK14:30: PANEL 2 —— Education, sport and the mediaMODERATOR Emmanuelle Avril (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle)
- Hélène Leclerc (University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès): La revue tchécoslovaque Im Herzen Europas(1958-1971), un instrument de diplomatie culturelle vis-à-vis de l’Allemagne
- Luís Nuno Rodrigues (University Institute of Lisbon): US cultural diplomacy in Portugal during the Cold War: the origins of the Fulbright program
- Pete Milwood (London School of Economics): Transnational Sport as Cultural Diplomacy: The 1972 Return Leg of Sino-American Ping-Pong Diplomacy
16:00: COFFEE BREAK16:30: PANEL 3 —— State and non-State actorsMODERATOR Lauriane Simony (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle)
- Danielle Mouori (Paris 4 Sorbonne): L’OIF et la diplomatie culturelle à travers la promotion de la langue française
- Alice Byrne (Aix-Marseille University): “Hanging to the cliff by its fingertips”: the British Council in Poland, 1946-1956
- Caroline Ritter (Texas State University): From Culture to Aid to Paid: British cultural diplomacy to Africa, 1960-1980
- Nicolas Peyre (Toulouse 1 Capitole): Diplomatie culturelle ou diplomatie d’influence ?
19:00: Visit of the exhibition En attendant by Tomi Ungerer and cocktail at the Centre Culturel Irlandais (5, rue des Irlandais 75005 Paris)***Saturday 18th May09:00: Breakfast09:30: ROUND TABLE MODERATOR Claire Davison (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle) In French
- Mariko Oka-Fukuroi, senior administrator of the Fondation Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo, former Vice-President of the Maison de la Culture du Japon in Paris
- Joséphine Pasco, translator, communication and literary project manager at the Goethe Institut in Paris
- Valérie Quilez, head of the Mission culturelle du Luxembourg in Paris
11:00: COFFEE BREAK11:15: PANEL 4 —— National and transnational cultural diplomacyMODERATOR Lara Cuny (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle)
- Louis Clerc (University of Turku): Great Powers writ small? Finland’s Cultural Diplomacy as an Example of Small States’ Cultural Diplomacy, 1944-1970
- François Sablayrolles (University of Angers): Irish cultural diplomacy after the war: the Cultural Relations Committee
- Firdevs Bulut (University College London): Cultural Value Project: UK and Germany’s Efforts to Continue Cultural Collaboration
- Fabrice Serodes (Sciences Po Lille): History of the European cultural diplomacy since the end of the Cold War
13:15: Closing words by the organizersOriginal Article