Stefano Baldi -Director of Diplomatic Institute at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy-


Stefano Baldi is an Italian diplomat with a lifelong commitment to innovation and creativity applied to diplomatic activities. Now that he is the head of the Training structure of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he is particularly engaged in emphasizing and experimenting with shaping the role of the XXI century diplomat. He will explain how being a diplomat today is a mix of tradition and innovation. In the era of web 2.0, currently characterized by Social Media, diplomats are challenged by constantly evolving ways of communication. Stefano will argue why an adequate and continuous training will empower the diplomat of the XXI century, the Diplomat 2.0, to be still an essential and irreplaceable resource for the country he/she represents. He regularly blogs on

stefano baldi with

  1. Personal Data
Date of Birth: 8 April 1961
Place of Birth: Citta’ della Pieve (PG)
  1. Professional Experience

Training Director of the Minisitry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (2014 – present)

Speaker and Producer of Radio Programme “Diplomazia e Dintorni” in Radio LUISS (2013 – present)

Director of Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011-2014)

Head of the Science and Technology Unit (2010 – 2011) at the Directorate for the Promotion of Country System (Economy,Science and Culture) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

First Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the European Union – Brussels (2006-2010). RELEX Counsellor (in the framework of Common Foreign and Security Policy). Member of the Board of the EU Institute for Strategic Studies.

First Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations – New York (2002-2006). Responsible for Disarmament matters. Responsible for Italian personnel in the United Nations and for IT issues. Responsible for cultural events.

Counsellor in the Policy Planning Unit and Head of the Statistical Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1999-2002).

First Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the International Organizations in Geneva. In charge of relations with the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization. Head of Information Technology issues (1995-1999).

First Secretary for Economic Affairs and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1991 – 1995).

Second Secretary at the Directorate for Economic Affairs, North Africa and Middle East desk at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome (1989 – 1991).

Scientific consultant to the Press Office at the 20th International Population Congress organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (Florence, June 1985).

Collaboration with Radio 24 – Il Sole 24 Ore for the Programme Lavoro e Carriere (former Programme Giovani Leoni) as an expert on international careers (September 2000 to 2005).

Actively involved in the “Centro Italiano di Formazione Europea” in Rome as a researcher on social and economic problems in Europe (1982 – present).

Regular contributor to the scholarly journals Affari Sociali Internazionali and Studi Emigrazione/Etudes Migrations (1992-2000).

Member of Italian Statistical Society (2000 to present).

  1. 3. Education

stefano baldiDegree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (1980-1985). Thesis: International Assistance to Asia, directed by Prof. Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo.

  1. Guest Lecturer

Annual seminars on Population and Development, Population Structure, Population Aging, and Population Policies (School of Economics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza,”1989 to present).

Lecturer on “Cyberdiplomacy” at the Distance Learning Postgraduate Course on Diplomacy, Diplofoundation (Geneva/Malta, 1998 to present).

Coordinator of annual foreign policy seminar series at the School for Advanced Studies in Law and Economics of the European Communities (University of Rome “La Sapienza,” from 1999 to 2002).

Main Speaker at the presentation on “WiFi – Hotspots: Internet wireless connection for delegates at the United Nations – How it works and what to do with it”, United Nations, New York, 17 February 2005

Speaker at the Second International Conference on Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy on “Jargon, Protocols and Uniforms: Barriers to Interprofessional Communication” (Diplofoundation, Malta, 13 February 2004).

Lecturer at the Third Global Forum on Web Diplomacy organized by the Italian Government, UN, OECD, and World Bank (Naples, 13 March 2001).

Speaker at the International Conference on Web Management and Diplomacy on “Website Management for Ministries and Missions” (Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, Malta, 9 February 2001).

Lecturer on “Enhancing WEB Communication for International Organizations” at the Communication as a Reform Tool for the UN System Workshop (United Nations Staff College, Turin, 6 February 2001).

Speaker on “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italy’s presence in International Organizations” at the International Conference on Public Administration and Globalization: International and Supranational administrations (International Institute of Administrative Sciences in Bologna, 20 June 2000).

Lecturer on “Information Technologies for Diplomatic Activities” at the UNITAR Fellowship Programme in International Affairs (United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Geneva, 6 October 1999).

Keynote speaker at the Caribbean Conference on on-line Training for diplomatic services of Carribbean Countries (Institute of International Relations of Trinidad and Tobago, 23-25 August 1999).

Lecturer on “New Communication Techniques for Diplomats: Internet Use,” at the UNITAR Fellowship Programme in International Affairs (United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Geneva, 9 October 1998).

Lecturer on “The Internet and the information gathering in diplomatic activities,” at the International Conference on Information Technology and Diplomacy (Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta, 30 May – 1 June 1997).

Lecturer on demography at the School of Economics of the University of Chieti  (1986-87, 1987-88 and 1988-89 academic years).

Complete list of lectures

  1. Post Graduate Courses and Seminars

Course on Multimedia and Public Administration (School of Public Administration and ISIMM, Rome, June 2002).

Conference on International Business and Economic Management: Trade, Investment and Financial Flows in a World of Fluctuating Exchange and Interest Rates (Wilton Park – Essex, UK, 12-16 November 1990).

Course on Relations between Europe and United States at the American European Summer School (Centre International de Formation Européenne and the Landesbildungszentrum of Schloss Hofen). Received “Certificate of Advanced American-European Studies” (Schloss Hofen – Breghenz, Austria, 6-26 July 1986).

Paper on “American and European Federalism” at the Conference on Societies in Transition, Italians and Italo-Americans in the ’80s (Philadelphia, 11-12 October 1985).


  1. Foreign Languages and Computer Skills

Fluent in English, French, and basic knowledge of Spanish.

Familiar with MS Windows, MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access), Internet programming (including HTML language), and Dreamweaver. Website and Blog design and administration. Internet and Social Media training for diplomats.

  1. Publications





Stefano Baldi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Istituto Diplomatico
Via di Villa Madama, 250
00135 Roma

Short Biography

Biografia breve in italiano