WhatsApp Comes To The Desktop
Are you one of the 600 million people on WhatsApp? Do you grow tired of having to type all of your messages through your phone? Good news!
There’s now a desktop version.
It’s a web app rather than a native client — and for now, at least, it seems to only play friendly with Google Chrome.
But if you’re ready to dive in, you can find the new web-ready version of WhatsApp right over here…
One weird catch: to log in on the desktop, you have to take a picture of a QR code through WhatsApp on your phone. This is necessary, presumably, because WhatsApp uses your phone number and SMS verifications rather than usernames/passwords. This currently works on Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry… but “due to Apple platform limitations” (WhatsApp’s words, there — we’re not sure what limitations they mean), iOS users are left out in the cold.
On the platforms where it works, however, it’s very slick.
Curiously, it seems as if it’s using your phone for more than just the initial login; note the orange warning in the screenshot below. If your phone dies, so does your WhatsApp web connection.
SAZNAJTE: Evo kako da koristite WhatsApp na računaru
Aplikacija WhatsApp od sada je dostupna i na desktop računarima, a za sada je korišćenje ove aplikacije moguće samo putem Google Chrome-a

Ukoliko ste vi jedan od 600 miliona korisnika aplikacije WhatsApp, sigurno će vas obradovati ova vest.
Aplikacija WhatsApp od sada je dostupna i na desktop računarima, a za sada je korišćenje ove aplikacije moguće samo putem Google Chrome-a.
Da bi ste koristili WhatsApp morate da skenirate određeni QR kod pomoću iste aplikacije na vašem telefonu. Ovo je obavezno jer WhatsApp pre koristi vaš broj telefona i sms za verifikaciju nego korisičko ime i šifru.
Ovo za sada radi na android i windows telefonima i blekberiju, dok su za sada korisnici iOS-a izostavljeni.
Zanimljivo je da bez veze sa telefonom, vaš desktop WhatsApp ne može da radi, što znači da ukoliko vam se ugasi telefon zbog prazne baterije, gubite WhatsApp konekciju na kompjuteru.
QR kod možete preuzeti OVDE.
(EPK / techcrunch.com)