Spain and Digital Diplomacy

Digital Diplomacy

In its bid to modernise equipment and communication and adapt its services to the demands of modern society, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation is deploying an extensive network of profiles on social networks.

  The aim of this is to contribute towards increasing its efficacy and transparency and facilitate connection and dialogue with citizens, while at the same time harness opportunities that arise from new technologies for promoting the ministry’s interests abroad.
Social networks and the internet have become an unquestionable channel for diplomatic communication, and rapid advances are now being made in consolidating the ministry’s digital diplomacy. The ministry thus aims to disseminate content of interest, respond to queries, be more accessible to citizens wherever they are and also be useful to citizens of other countries who are looking for information about Spain.While the expansion of this digital, diplomatic and consular network continues, clear objectives will be maintained for information quality, credibility and relevance and every effort will be made to offer updates in real time.

As a member of different international and regional organisation, the OID and the ministry’s foreign offices use the internet as the ideal channel for accessing the work of these entities and to explain Spain’s participation and contribution in the multilateral objectives pursued.

The web sites of all the ministry’s embassies and consulates can be consulted through this web site. On the the Citizen Services tab, Embassies and Consulates heading, you will find contact data and specific consular and informative content for each country. These web sites are intended as portals for access to the most relevant and comprehensive information about all sections of the diplomatic mission or consulate.

Also, on the tab “We are also your ambassador in…” information and contact data is provided for countries in which there are no resident offices.

The MAEC accounts and the ministry’s offices abroad can be accessed on the social media atlas. It is recommended to subscribe to those of interest to receive up-to-date information about the diplomatic, consular, cultural and commercial and economic promotion activity undertaken by the representations.  Also, some of the embassies have a specific and reinforced role to reflect the regional or sub-regional perspective in which Spain especially wishes to be present.
Specific informative campaigns are undertaken on social networks, specifically related, for example, to election participation for residents living abroad, improved safety before starting a journey, and the processes that can be undertaken in the embassies and consulates. You can follow them, for example, through #TuConsuladoPuedeAyudarte #ElConsuladoInforma, #Elecciones2014 or #ViajaSeguroMAE , which have been completed with photographic, audiovisual and infographic content that illustrates the information.

Finally, you are invited to discover the Ministry’s blogs, which offer a closer and more personal view of the activities of the diplomats, who share their experiences on the street.