Public Diplomacy
Digital Diplomacy
Tekstovi na srpskom
SAD: “Kubanski tviter” nije tajna operacija
Autor: Mariama Dialo
Bela kuća je saopštila da je društvena mreža koju je američka vlada stvorila na Kubi bila razvojni program, a...
Novi digitalni alati u Srbiji
Proverite šta vam "koči" dozvolu
Beograd -- Građani i pravna lica od utorka će moći elekronski da prate status svojih predmeta u gradskom Sekretarijatu za...
Made by OpenAI
The Global Influence of Voice of America * by ...
The Global Influence of Voice of America
Voice of America (VOA) is a media outlet that was founded in 1942 and has been broadcasting news...
Kako društvene mreže utiču na mentalno zdravlje dece?
RT Balkan istražuje: Kako društvene mreže utiču na mentalno zdravlje dece?
Porodični sistemski terapeut Biljana Vasilov je izjavila za RT Balkan da zavisnost od interneta...
Modern Propaganda
100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power
Radio is thriving across Africa. Exact figures are difficult to come by because audience research differs across countries. But studies estimate radio listenership to...
Who exactly is ‘forcing’ America to support human rights abuses?
We are repeatedly told Biden is compelled, against his will, to support regimes engaging in ethnic cleansing, bombing civilians, and dictatorship.
There’s a subtle but...