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(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en Argentina) - High Commission of Canada to Belize
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(Portuguese: Canadá no Brasil) - Embassy of Canada to Chile
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(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en Colombia) - Embassy of Canada to Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en Costa Rica, Nicaragua y Honduras) - Embassy of Canada to Dominican Republic
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en República Dominicana) - Embassy of Canada to Ecuador
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(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en El Salvador) - Embassy of Canada to Guatemala
- High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana
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- Embassy of Canada to Mexico
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en México) - Embassy of Canada to Panama
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(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá para Paraguay) - Embassy of Canada to Peru and Bolivia
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en Perú y en Bolivia) - High Commission of Canada to Trinidad and Tobago
Europe and Eurasia
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(German: Botschaft von Kanada in Deutschland) - Embassy of Canada to the Netherlands
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(Portuguese: Embaixada do Canadá em Portugal) - Embassy of Canada to Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro
(Serbian: Амбасада Канаде у Србији) - Embassy of Canada to Spain
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en España) - Office of the Embassy of Canada to Slovakia
- Embassy of Canada to Ukraine
- High Commission of Canada to the United Kingdom
Middle East and North Africa
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- Canada and Iran (Farsi: کانادا و ایران)
- Embassy of Canada to Israel
- Embassy of Canada to Libya
- Embassy of Canada to Qatar
- Embassy of Canada to Tunisia
- Embassy of Canada to the United Arab Emirates
(Arabic: السفارة الكندية بأبو ظبي)
Sub-Saharan Africa
- High Commission of Canada to Mozambique
- High Commission of Canada to Tanzania
- Embassy of Canada to Zimbabwe, Angola, and Botswana
Asia and Oceania
- High Commission of Canada to Brunei Darussalam
- Embassy of Canada to Burma – Myanmar (Burmese)
- Consulate General of Canada to Hong Kong and Macao
- High Commission of Canada to India
- Embassy of Canada to Indonesia, Timor-Leste and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
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- High Commission of Canada to Singapore
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- Canada’s Office of Religious Freedom: @FreedomReligion
- Canadian Joint Delegation to NATO: @CanadaNATO
- Delegation of Canada to the OSCE: @Canada2OSCE
- Mission of Canada to the European Union: @Canada2EU
- Permanent Delegation of Canada to the OECD: @CanadaOECD
- Permanent Mission of Canada in Geneva: @CanadaUNGeneva
- Permanent Mission of Canada to the Organization of American States (OAS): @CanadaOAS
- Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations: @CanadaUN
Connect with our Canadian Missions Abroad on Twitter:
United States
- Consulate General of Canada to Atlanta: @CanCGAtlanta
- Consulate General of Canada to Boston: @CanCGBoston
- Consulate General of Canada to Chicago: @CanCGChicago
- Consulate General of Canada to Dallas: @CanCGDallas
- Consulate General of Canada to Denver: @CanCGDenver
- Consulate General of Canada to Detroit: @CanCGDetroit
- Consulate General of Canada to Los Angeles: @CanCGLA
- Consulate General of Canada to Miami: @CanCGMiami
- Consulate General of Canada to Minneapolis: @CanCGMPLS
- Consulate General of Canada to New York: @CanadaNY
- Consulate General of Canada to San Francisco: @CanCGSF
- Consulate General of Canada to Seattle: @CanCGSeattle
- Embassy of Canada to Washington, DC: @CanEmbUSA
Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean
- Embassy of Canada to Argentina: @CanadaArgentina
- Canada in Bolivia: @CanadaBolivia
(Spanish: Canadá en Bolivia: @CanadaenBolivia) - Embassy of Canada to Brazil: @CanadaBrazil
(Portuguese: @CanadanoBrasil) - Embassy of Canada to Chile: @CanEmbChile
- Embassy of Canada to Colombia: @CanadaColombia
- Embassy of Canada to Dominican Republic: @CanEmbDR
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en República Dominicana: @EmbCanRD - Embassy of Canada to Ecuador: @CanadaEcuador
- Embassy of Canada to Haiti: @CanEmbHaiti
- High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana: @CanEmbGuyana
- High Commission of Canada to Jamaica: @CanadaJamaica
- Embassy of Canada to Mexico: @CanEmbMexico
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en México: @EmbCanMexico) - Embassy of Canada to Paraguay: @CanEmbParaguay
- Embassy of Canada to Peru: @CanadaPeru
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en Perú: @CanadaenPeru) - High Commissioner of Canada to Trinidad & Tobago: @CanadaTandT
- Embassy of Canada to Venezuela: @CanEmbVenezuela
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en Venezuela: @EmbCanVenezuela)
Europe and Eurasia
- Embassy of Canada to Austria: @CanAmbAustria
- Embassy of Canada to Belgium and Luxembourg: @CanEmbBeLux
- Embassy of Canada to Croatia: @CanadaCroatia
- Embassy of Canada to Denmark: @CanadaDenmark
- Embassy of Canada to Estonia: @CanadaEstonia
- Embassy of Canada to Finland: @CanEmbFinland
- Embassy of Canada to France: @CanEmbFrance
- Embassy of Canada to Germany: @CanEmbGermany
(German: Botschaft von Kanada in Deutschland: @KanadaBotschaft) - Embassy of Canada to Latvia: @CanadaLatvia
- Embassy of Canada to Lithuania: @CanadaLithuania
- Ambassador of Canada to the Netherlands: @CanAmbNL
- Embassy of Canada to Norway: @CanadaNorway
- Embassy of Canada to Poland: @CanadaPoland (Polish: Ambasada Kanady w Polsce: @CanadaPolska)
- Embassy of Canada to Russia: @CanadaRussia
(Russian language: Посольство Канады в России: @CanadaPoRusski) - Embassy of Canada to Serbia: @CanadaSerbia
- Embassy of Canada to Spain: @CanEmbSpain
(Spanish: Embajada de Canadá en España @EmbCanEspana) - Office of the Embassy of Canada to Slovakia: @CanadaSlovakia
- Embassy of Canada to Sweden: @CanadaSweden
- Embassy of Canada to Switzerland: @CanSwitzerland
- Embassy of Canada to Ukraine: @CanEmbUkraine
- High Commission of Canada to the United Kingdom: @CanadianUK
Middle East and North Africa
- Embassy of Canada to Algeria: @CanadaAlgeria
- Embassy of Canada to Egypt: @CanEmbEgypt
- Canada and Iran: @CanadaIran
(Farsi: رسیدن: @CanIranDarFarsi) - Canada in Iraq: @CanadainIraq
- Embassy of Canada to Israel: @CanEmbIsrael
- Embassy of Canada to Libya: @CanEmbLibya
- Embassy of Canada to Tunisia: @CanadaTunisia
- Embassy of Canada to Turkey: @CanEmbTurkey
(Turkish: Türkiye’deki Kanada Büyükelçiligi: @KanadaTurkiye) - Embassy of Canada to the United Arab Emirates: @CanadainUAE
(Arabic: السفارة الكندية بأبو ظبي: @CanadaUAE)
Sub-Saharan Africa
- High Commission of Canada to Mozambique: @CanHCMozambique
- High Commission of Canada to South Africa: @CanHCZA
- Embassy of Canada to Senegal: @CanEmbSenegal
- High Commissioner of Canada to Tanzania: @CanadaTanzania
- Embassy of Canada to Zimbabwe, Angola, and Botswana: @CanEmbZimbabwe
Asia and Oceania
- Embassy of Canada to Afghanistan: @CanEmbAFG
- High Commission of Canada to Australia: @CanHCAustralia
- Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao: @CanCGHongKong
- High Commission of Canada to India: @CanadainIndia
- Embassy of Canada to Indonesia, Timor-Leste and ASEAN: @CanEmbIndonesia
- Embassy of Canada to Japan: @CanEmbJapan
- Embassy of Canada to Korea: @CanEmbKorea
(Korean language: 주한 캐나다 대사관: @CanEmbROK) - High Commission of Canada to Malaysia: @CanadaMalaysia
- Embassy of Canada to Mongolia: @CanadaMongolia
- High Commission of Canada to New Zealand: @CanHCNZ
- High Commission of Canada to Pakistan: @CanHCPakistan
- Embassy of Canada to the Philippines: @CanEmbPH
- High Commission of Canada to Singapore: @CanHCSingapore
- Embassy of Canada to Thailand: @CanadaThailand

Check out our YouTube channel featuring foreign affairs and trade related announcements, our YouTube channel dedicated to international development. Alternatively, watch these videos through our Video Gallery page or our Invest in Canada channel.

CanadExport, the official e–magazine of the Trade Commissioner Service, features an audio podcast series that brings practical tools and advice to Canadian companies looking to do business abroad. Guests include leading experts and business people with best practices to share.

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