Digital Diplomacy in the Age of Political Extremity
Over the past year, a growing number of scholars, diplomats and journalists have reflected on the growing importance of algorithms to the conduct of...
Loši zakoni su zarazni: Demistifikacija novih zakona koji se odnose na informacione tehnologije Ujedinjenih...
Građevinski radnici u Dubaiu, 2008. Fotografisao Paul Keller preko Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0)
Gostujući autor ovog posta je Amin Jobran, zaposlen kao regionalni spoljni menadžer...
Direktor FBI: prekrijte svoje web kamere
Da li prekrivate lepljivom trakom ili nečim drugim web kameru laptopa? Direktor kompanije Facebook Mark Zakerberg i direktor američkog FBI Džejms Komi to rade,...
Text-To-Speech And Beno Zephine – The First Blind IFS Officer
Beno Zephine has been blind since birth, but she refused to let her disability get in the way of accomplishing her dreams. Her dream...
International Research Collaborations
Scientists Speak about Leveraging Science for Diplomacy
Science has long connected researchers across boundaries—geographic and otherwise—through a shared search for answers. From the appointment...
Opening a window in the smoke-filled room: Twitter and the #nextSG
Six years ago to the day, I signed into Twitter for the first time. At the time I was studying for exams and though...
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s Cybersecurity Platforms, Compared
Every day it seems like there’s another hack, password theft, or leak. Both government agencies and private...
How Yugoslavia was Syrianized 25 years ago
In an alternative universe, what if Yugoslavia still existed? NATO’s expansion, the Cold War still being waged, the so-called democratic western nations destroying freedoms...
What government might look like in 2030
Earlier this week, I was asked to speak on this subject at TechUK’s Public Sector 2030 event. I don’t claim any special ability to...
Digital training and capability at FCO: a new strategic approach
Digital training at the FCO has reached toddler-hood. Claire Collins blogged in November about its one year birthday and now, just like a toddler,...