

Amerikanci smislili osnov za upotrebu nuklearnog oružja – Rusija sprema posebnu vojsku kao odgovor

U Sjedinjenim Državama sajber vojska postoji odavno. U toj zemlji se sajber napad izjednačava sa napadom na američku teritoriju i to može biti osnov...

Oglas na bilbordu: Amerika nudi nagradu do deset miliona dolara za informacije o sajber...

Američki Stejt department obezbedio je nagradu do deset miliona dolara za informacije koje mogu pomoći u rasvetljavanju sajber napada počinjenih protiv interesa Sjedinjenih Američkih...

Western media under ‘military censorship’ – Kremlin

The EU and Canada outright banned all branches of RT and Sputnik as ‘Kremlin propaganda’ shortly after the Ukraine conflict escalated. Several US-based social...

National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan Released

Just a few months after releasing an updated and comprehensive National Cybersecurity Strategy, the White House released its National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan delegating...

AI’s Impact on Public Diplomacy

Recently, I was asked by an American diplomat about the benefits of using AI in public diplomacy activities. The Diplomat stated that as AI...

The Orwellian RESTRICT Act is a chilling echo of ‘1984’ and an erosion of...

Far beyond cracking down on TikTok, the bill envisages frightening powers to control citizens’ access to ‘unwanted’ information Ian Miles Cheong is a political and cultural...

Russia could criminalize ‘deepfakes’

Lawmakers propose harsher punishments if crimes are committed using AI-generated media Male human face with 3d mesh and recognition marks © Getty Images / imaginima The...

India’s Cyber Prowess: A strategic challenge for Pakistan’s security

The emergence of the internet and the digital age has brought about a paradigm shift in communication, information accessibility, and social interaction. With cyberspace...

Law & ChatGPT: Will AI take over lawyers and judges?

In light of creation of the ChatGPT and its rapid development, questions were raised regarding its legal advice/decision abilities. The chatbot made its very...

Why the US and China need a detente in cyberspace

Last week, China accused the US of being behind a cyberattack on Northwestern Polytechnical University and stealing core technical data. In March, a state-owned...