Good news for students in Austria and the UK
Skip to content Karin Baker
Political Officer, British Embassy Vienna
Guest blogger for Leigh Turner
Part of UK in Austria
11th August 2020 Vienna, Austria
Good news for students in Austria and the UK The UK education sector is one of the most popular destinations for international – EU and non-EU – students to study abroad. Worldwide, only the US attracts larger numbers. Academics like working in the UK, too: in 2017-18, 20% of staff working at UK higher education institutions were international, with almost 60% of that 20% coming from the EU.
UK higher education has a well-established reputation for high quality. There are four UK providers amongst the top ten in the world, and 18 providers in the top 100. UK universities also have an outstanding reputation for world-class research. This has been showcased during this global pandemic, as many are at the forefront of global efforts to understand and combat the coronavirus.
In 2017–18, there were 458,490 international students studyin..
Good news for students in Austria and the UK
Skip to content Karin Baker
Political Officer, British Embassy Vienna
Guest blogger for Leigh Turner
Part of UK in Austria
11th August 2020 Vienna, Austria
Good news for students in Austria and the UK The UK education sector is one of the most popular destinations for international – EU and non-EU – students to study abroad. Worldwide, only the US attracts larger numbers. Academics like working in the UK, too: in 2017-18, 20% of staff working at UK higher education institutions were international, with almost 60% of that 20% coming from the EU.
UK higher education has a well-established reputation for high quality. There are four UK providers amongst the top ten in the world, and 18 providers in the top 100. UK universities also have an outstanding reputation for world-class research. This has been showcased during this global pandemic, as many are at the forefront of global efforts to understand and combat the coronavirus.
In 2017–18, there were 458,490 international students studyin..
Good news for students in Austria and the UK
Skip to content Karin Baker
Political Officer, British Embassy Vienna
Guest blogger for Leigh Turner
Part of UK in Austria
11th August 2020 Vienna, Austria
Good news for students in Austria and the UK The UK education sector is one of the most popular destinations for international – EU and non-EU – students to study abroad. Worldwide, only the US attracts larger numbers. Academics like working in the UK, too: in 2017-18, 20% of staff working at UK higher education institutions were international, with almost 60% of that 20% coming from the EU.
UK higher education has a well-established reputation for high quality. There are four UK providers amongst the top ten in the world, and 18 providers in the top 100. UK universities also have an outstanding reputation for world-class research. This has been showcased during this global pandemic, as many are at the forefront of global efforts to understand and combat the coronavirus.
In 2017–18, there were 458,490 international students studyin..
COVID-19 vaccine developed in Austria – produced in Scotland
Skip to content Leigh Turner
Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna
Part of UK in Austria
5th August 2020 Vienna, Austria
COVID-19 vaccine developed in Austria – produced in Scotland “When we started to develop our vaccine candidate we needed to push; now there is a massive pull from governments around the world,” says Thomas Lingelbach, CEO of Vienna-based pharmaceutical company Valneva, during my visit to his HQ at the Vienna Bio Center.
Work is intense at Valneva when we visit. The Austro-French vaccine company has been selected by the UK Government to deliver up to 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. The Department for International Trade (DIT) team here at the embassy supported Valneva from an early stage of the process. The vaccine will be manufactured at Valneva’s site in Livingstone, Scotland.
While Valneva’s staff in Vienna are working around the clock to develop a vaccine for COVID-19,..
COVID-19 vaccine developed in Austria – produced in Scotland
Skip to content Leigh Turner
Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna
Part of UK in Austria
5th August 2020 Vienna, Austria
COVID-19 vaccine developed in Austria – produced in Scotland “When we started to develop our vaccine candidate we needed to push; now there is a massive pull from governments around the world,” says Thomas Lingelbach, CEO of Vienna-based pharmaceutical company Valneva, during my visit to his HQ at the Vienna Bio Center.
Work is intense at Valneva when we visit. The Austro-French vaccine company has been selected by the UK Government to deliver up to 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. The Department for International Trade (DIT) team here at the embassy supported Valneva from an early stage of the process. The vaccine will be manufactured at Valneva’s site in Livingstone, Scotland.
While Valneva’s staff in Vienna are working around the clock to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, ..
Councils Completed
Skip to content Bob Last
Deputy Head, UK Mission Political Team
30th July 2020 Geneva, Switzerland
Councils Completed These are such strange days. We still don’t know if this will prove to be a painful but relatively short-lived episode of global distress or if we’re in this for the much longer haul. Will we look back on this as a defining moment of international cooperation to overcome one of the greatest health challenges in human history? Or will future evolutionary palaeontologists look back on this period with fascination, as the point at which humans began to develop opposable digits on their elbows to overcome tricky door handles without using their hands?
Since the Council went on hold in March, the world has become so profoundly different in so many ways that I’ve been finding any element of pre-COVID familiarity quite comforting. So having the Council go about its business over the last two months has been reassuringly exhausting.
For those who haven’t been following closely..
Painting Her Majesty
Skip to content Miriam Escofet
25th July 2020
Painting Her Majesty Image ©Aliona Adrianova
During my first meeting with Foreign Office Permanent Under-Secretary Sir Simon McDonald in March 2019, when we discussed ideas for the portrait of The Queen that he wanted to commission, I was delighted to hear that he wanted it to feel intimate. He wanted to express Her Majesty’s humanity, rather than creating a more traditional, grand, regal representation.
Her Majesty has a close and longstanding relationship with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Her reign is already the longest of any monarch in British history, taking in 14 different Prime Ministers and 13 US Presidents. The Queen has received thousands of foreign Ambassadors and she has personal experience of nearly every country that the UK has bilateral relations with, having undertaken State Visits overseas to over 100 countries. The Queen has hosted 111 incoming State Visits during her reign, from 62 different countries to the UK...
Disarmament blog: what’s the point of the Conference on Disarmament?
Skip to content Aidan Liddle
UK Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament
Part of Conference on Disarmament
7th July 2020 Geneva, Switzerland
Disarmament blog: what’s the point of the Conference on Disarmament? The Conference on Disarmament resumed its 2020 session on Tuesday, after a break of 122 days. (We had been supposed to meet a week earlier, but technical problems with the new remote participation platform meant the meeting was cancelled at the eleventh hour.) But did anyone miss the CD while it was silent? Should it just have stayed that way?
First, the case against. While the track record of the CD and its predecessors include the three main WMD treaties, amongst others, it hasn’t launched a new negotiation since the CTBT was concluded in 1996. Every disarmament treaty since then – the prohibitions on land mines and cluster munitions, the Arms Trade Treaty, and, yes, the TPNW – has been negotiated elsewhere. Far from fulfilling its mandate as “t..
Blog: Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention goes virtual
Skip to content Simon Cleobury
UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament
7th July 2020 Geneva, Switzerland
Blog: Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention goes virtual It was with some trepidation that I turned up at the offices of the Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) for the Opening Session of the first ever virtual intersessional meetings of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention. Would the new platform, with its interpretation into the UN official languages, actually work? Would there be endless delays whilst colleagues tried to log in?
I am pleased to say that, most of the time, the passing of the floor to speakers and the interpretation all worked well, allowing for the smooth running of meetings. There were a few technical problems for some participants, but that was to be expected. The main thing is that we were able to make these meetings happen, something that was by no means certain given the Covid-19 restrictions.
At the Opening Session, I ..
Despite all the obstacles the fight for LGBTI equality continues
Skip to content Dragana Drndarevska
Legal adviser, Coalition Margins
Guest blogger for UK in North Macedonia
Part of UK in North Macedonia
7th July 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia
Despite all the obstacles the fight for LGBTI equality continues Photo credit: Vancho Dzambaski- Pride Parade 2019Last year, a Pride Parade took place in Skopje for the first time. The Parade was a protest and shall remain so until LGBTI people are able to enjoy all human rights and society is fully liberated. However, last year there were several reasons to celebrate. The Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination was adopted after long postponement, guarantying LGBTI people equality in every area of living. In addition, the Law on Criminal Procedure was amended with respect to hate crimes, thus providing LGBTI people explicit protection against violence and other hate crimes for the first time. The success was the result of the efforts invested by LGBTI organizations and their partners from civil..