DIPLO Blog Page 25


Harnessing innovation through Team Australia

   Dr Stephanie Fahey, Chief Executive Officer of Austrade Competing globally under the banner of Team Australia is crucial to our success – and...

My first visit to the Happy Isles – Reflections on Solomon Islands

     By Hon Dr Sharman Stone, Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls I am just back from the Solomon Islands. What a privilege it...

Empowered women for stronger communities: a story from rural Serbia

  By Ms Julia Feeny, Australia’s Ambassador to Serbia From the beginning of my appointment in Serbia I have had the pleasure of meeting many brave...

Digital Diplomacy: are we the champions?

Last year, Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs brought together an interesting bunch of people from around the world, and me, to discuss digital diplomacy. ...

Diplomacy – one tweet at a time

‘Blog first appeared on The State of Digital Diplomacy 2016‘ Alison Daniels FCO Digital Team “Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell...

A Day in the Life of Australia’s Ambassador to Afghanistan: Richard Feakes

 By Richard Feakes, Australia’s Ambassador to Afghanistan My day starts in the same way as any other Australian office worker — I reach for my...