Digital Diplomacy

Digital Diplomacy

Nova logika digitalne javne diplomatije

Da bismo odgovorili na ovo pitanje, prvo moramo karakterisati današnji svet. To je svet sklon krizama, svet obeležen ratovima, kompleksan svet u kojem kriza...

“Veštačka inteligencija u Diplomatiji: Digitalni Portparol Ukrajine”

Ovog četvrtka, Ministarstvo inostranih poslova Ukrajine predstavilo je inovativnog veštački stvorenog portparola po imenu Victoria Ši, označavajući značajan skok u primeni tehnologije veštačke inteligencije...

Is the Digital Diplomacy Strategy Able to Protect Data Privacy Security in Business?

As for the basic definition, diplomacy is an act to negotiate with other parties, countries, or people. Diplomacy per se mainly can be done...

The Global Hi-Five: Unleashing Digital Diplomacy’s High-Tech Charm

Unleash diplomacy's digital charm, spreading hi-fives worldwide!


What is the secret behind Israel’s successful global campaign against everything evil and barbaric? (Barbaric here isn’t in reference to the Israeli carpet-bombing of...

The Art of Digital Diplomacy by ChatGPT

In a rapidly evolving era of Artificial Intelligence that challenges established ways of life and daily routines, conservatives can adopt measures to mitigate its...

The Art of Digital Diplomacy?

Whilst rapid development in Artificial Intelligence threatens traditional modes of life, and the very essence of how we conduct ourselves day-to-day, there are measures...

The Smart Mission Project: Enhancing UAE’s Consular Services and Citizen Assistance with AI Technology

  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has launched an innovative project aimed at improving citizen services and accelerating assistance during international emergencies. The Smart Mission...

The Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry Launches AI-Powered Avatar for Multilingual Content Creation

The Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry has paved the way for digital diplomacy by introducing an AI-powered avatar capable of producing content in up to...

Kako je Ukrajina izgradila digitalnu platformu za efikasniju isporuku javnih usluga, kao i nacionalne...

Pre ruske invazije na Ukrajinu, tehnologija je već bila sve veći deo ukrajinske ekonomije i bila je centralna za viziju vlade da ponovo zamisli...