Digital Diplomacy

How does digital support diplomatic excellence? Easy, attend the FCO’s fascinating course and get...

  In January 2016, I was delighted to attend the one-day ‘Policy Skills Digital Diplomacy course’ hosted by the FCO’s Digital Transformation Unit (DTU). This...

The Rules of Engagement: Why MFAs Should Engage with Social Media Followers

Over the past two weeks I have published posts dealing with issues that arouse in Israel’s 1st Digital Diplomacy Conference held earlier this year...

Diplo conducts e-diplomacy training in Saint Kitts and Nevis

The use of online tools together with traditional diplomatic approaches is how Saint Kitts and Nevis can ensure representation in multilateral diplomacy in Geneva...

Ministar diplomatije Bangladeša promoviše ,,digitalnu diplomatiju,, među azijskim državama

Prema informacijama sa prvog portala Bangladeša, Ministar  spoljnih poslova te zemlje Abul Hassan Mahmood je predložio koncept  ,,digitalne diplomatije‘‘  kao jedan od načina pristupa...

Obama Touts Internet Diplomacy in Cuba

  Increasing Internet access will be a key component to boosting Cuban businesses, according to President Obama. In remarks made alongside Cuban President Raul Castro...


U vreme Bemdžamina Frenklina bilo je potrebno šest meseci da diplomatske poruke stignu iz Pariza do Filadelfije. Uloliko je ambasador želeo da bude efikasan, morao...

World leaders on Instagram – 2016

The most effective world leader on Instagram in 2016?Barack Obama – with more than 56,000 interactions (i.e. comments and likes) for every post on...

#DigitalDiplomacy: Want to be a Twitter superhero? Sushma Swaraj can help you with that

Sushma Swaraj intervened to help out an Indian woman who was stuck in a refugee camp in Germany on Thursday, 4 February. This is not...