Digital Diplomacy

The Romanian Foreign Minister is now on Twitter

Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu has an official Twitter account – @BogdanAurescu. The account has been launched on September 1st 2015, marking the opening...

BIRODI upoređivao Tviter komunikaciju vodećeg političara u Srbiji i na Kosovu i Metohiji

Tači više pominjao Srbiju nego Vučić Kosovo * Vučić je imao više tvitova samo u vezi sa migrantima * Tačijev odnos sa SAD mnogo je...

Live chat with the British Ambassador

The British Ambassador in Romania, Paul Brummell, will host a live Twitter chat next week – Tuesday 15 September, starting 11:00 (Romania time). The chat...

I Rita Ora lobira za Kosovo

Priština angažovala poznate ličnosti za kampanju dobijanja članstva u Unesku Priština, Beograd - Kosovska diplomatija "regrutovala je" poznate ličnosti za kampanju dobijanja članstva u Unesku,...

Brain drain in Serbia today

How does the Serbian government cope with the problem of brain drain today? The latest OECD publication, SOPEMI 2014 shows that 39 thousand persons emigrated...

Canada promotes its lobsters with social media, Apple watch

    Combining the temptation of delicious lobster with the chance to win a coveted Apple Watch, the Canadian Embassy in Beijing turned to social media...

Seven social media strategy mistakes brands still make

Many brands are still making silly mistakes in their approach to social media, which can damage their reputation and waste their marketing resources. It’s...

Tvitovana diplomatija

Digitalni mediji od diplomata su napravili moderne medijske ambasadore. Ali ne vladaju svi novim pravilima igre. „Diplomatija u 140 karaktera“ bio je naslov diskusije...

Diplomacy in the digital age **December 18, 2014**

A Deutschland interview with Norbert Riedel, the Federal Foreign Office’s Commissioner for International Cyber Policy Dr Riedel, you have been Commissioner for International Cyber Policy...