Digital Diplomacy

Effective Social Campaigns and Emotional Mobilization

One picture of Movimiento15 by Guillermo Viciano, May 2011 (Flickr). Emotions play a key role in the inception, expansion, and longevity of social campaigns. A...

The Queen of Jordan: Social media can show an Arab world beyond ISIS

  Image: Vatican Pool/Getty Images Over the past 16 years, Queen Rania of Jordan has become a champion of women's rights, a vocal proponent of education...

The Power of People-to-People Diplomacy in Japan-China Relations

International relations are traditionally conducted by national leaders, government officials and diplomats. Yet the power of citizen exchanges, or “people-to-people diplomacy”, is often underestimated....

Indian Foreign office to go to school

New Delhi, Feb. 27: India's foreign office is going back to school - not to learn new tricks, but to try and ignite allure...

Measuring government impact in a social media world

Today’s post is by Arthur Mickoleit & Ryan Androsoff, Digital government policy analysts in the OECD Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development There is...

(What is ) Public Diplomacy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Public Diplomacy is that "form of international Political Advocacy in which the civilians of one country use legitimate means to...

Digitalna diplomatija terorista: Islamska država upozorava Italiju

Digitalni ratnici islamske državeISIS  uputili su upozorenje italijanskoj državi da dolaze da napadnu Rim. Učinili su to na neuobičajen način kroz haštag na Tviteru #We_Are_Coming_O_Rome...


Premijeri Srbije i Slovenije, Aleksandar Vučić i Miro Cerar, tokom današnjeg susreta na Brdu kod Kranja, gde je u toku zajednička sednica vlada dve...

Using social media to innovate service delivery – one size does not fit all

09.07.2014 When I think about social media use to improve service delivery, I intuitively think about the likes of Apple, Google or Amazon. And the...

Digitalna diplomatija premijera Srbije

Ovogodišnjni Dan državnosti Republike Srbije obeležilo je otvaranje zvaničnog Tviter naloga predsednika Vlade Republike Srbije. Aleksandar Vučić, sadašnji premijer Republike Srbije koji još od...