A Day in the Life of a Public Diplomacy Officer at a U.S. Embassy
It seems that few people really know what we – Public Diplomacy Officers – do everyday. I get questions all the time from students at...
CFP: Global diplomacy and natural resources – July 2015, Paris Diderot
Voir plus bas pour la version française
Global diplomacy and natural resources:
stakes, practices and influences of non-state actors
(18th-21st centuries)
2-3 July, 2015
Paris-Diderot University (LARCA)
Russia’s public diplomacy increases tension within Latvia ?
Nearly all of Russia’s public diplomacy instruments lead to confrontations on either the internal political or external political level, as concluded in the latest...
Public Diplomacy “Is Indonesia losing the race?”
Public diplomacy is a key pillar of a country’s foreign policy toolkit. In a world where non-state actors – foreign publics, media, NGOs, civil...
Book Review: Public Diplomacy – New Dimensions, Implications
Public diplomacy is on the rise, writes Professor Nancy Snow (@drpersuasion on Twitter) in Global Communication: Theories, Stakeholders and Trends, a book edited by...
Martha Bayles U.S. public diplomacy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martha Bayles
Martha Bayles, author and critic
Martha Bayles at convention
April 22, 1948 (age 66)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Writer, critic
Peter Skerry
Martha Bayles has written widely...
LGBT Issues and Public Diplomacy
Public diplomacy influences how individuals around the world come to know and understand one another. The field’s underlying focus on people-to-people interaction emphasizes the...
Amerika objavila “tviteraški” rat Islamskoj državi “Razmisli ponovi i odustani“
Stejt dipartment je u sredu započeo Tviteraški rat sa Islamskom državom. “Razmisli ponovi i odustani“ je Tviter kampanja koja ima za cilj da odvrati...
The Digi-Culture Series: The Nexus of Diplomacy, Digital, and Culture
Are you effectively measuring your digital efforts? By what means are you claiming success? These are just a few of questions that...
PUPPET Diplomacy American artists practice a little shadow puppet diplomacy in Iran
The Chicago-based Manual Cinema puppet troupe recently returned from a week in Iran at the Tehran Mobarak Puppet Festival, where their performances were welcomed...