Amerikanci smislili osnov za upotrebu nuklearnog oružja – Rusija sprema posebnu vojsku kao odgovor
U Sjedinjenim Državama sajber vojska postoji odavno. U toj zemlji se sajber napad izjednačava sa napadom na američku teritoriju i to može biti osnov...
Zaharova: Kao nekada nacisti, Evropska unija hoće da uvede “folkslist”
Marija Zaharova, portparolka ruskog Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, izrazilа je ozbiljnu zabrinutost povodom predloga Evropskog parlamenta o uvođenju "demokratskih pasoša" za odabrane državljane Rusije, uporedivši...
Propaganda and the US Government: Is This the End of the American Dream?
Edward Bernays’ classic tome “Propaganda,” published in 1928, was an attempt to both alert the public to the power of propaganda while also allaying...
CIA nastoji da regrutuje ruske zvaničnike video snimkom
Američka Centralna obaveštajna agencija, koja pokušava da regrutuje više Rusa kao špijune, objavila je snimak na kojem ciljaju moskovske zvaničnike sa apelom da kažu...
“Soviet book syndrome”: Why Russian propaganda works
A pro-Kremlin activist standing by his mock Russian missile reading "Let's program it again to target Washington", in St. Petersburg, Russia, Friday, April...
Information Warfare: How the Modern Military Utilizes Propaganda in the Digital Age
A new battleground has emerged in the digital age, where bytes and pixels move faster than bullets. And it has dramatically reshaped the landscape...
Oglas na bilbordu: Amerika nudi nagradu do deset miliona dolara za informacije o sajber...
Američki Stejt department obezbedio je nagradu do deset miliona dolara za informacije koje mogu pomoći u rasvetljavanju sajber napada počinjenih protiv interesa Sjedinjenih Američkih...
Scott Ritter: My YouTube ban dehumanizes Russians and insults Westerners
The platform has taken it upon itself to decide who has the right to have their voices heard, based on Russophobia alone.
Scott Ritter is...
Is EUvsDisinfo modern propaganda by Open AI
EUvsDisinfo is a project by the European External Action Service's East StratCom Task Force, which was established by the European Union to address and...
What is EUvsDisinfo
EUvsDisinfo is the flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force(opens in a new tab). It was established in 2015...