John Brown's Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review

Switzerland’s Foreign Policy Should Be a Model for America

Brandon J. Weichert, Image (not from article) from Switzerland is not an isolationist country, however. Like the United States throughout most of its history, the Swiss simply prefer to rely on diplomacy and trade to handle the bulk of their interactions with most of the world. Switzerland has a robust international trading profile and is even an observing member in the flagging European Union. That said, it is not a full member of the EU. Such a membership would have threatened the Swiss freedom of action and they wisely avoided such a step. The Swiss interact with the surrounding world only when and how it benefits them. Switzerland is also internationally respected. Today, America’s acceptance of an ever-increasing array of never-ending foreign entanglements has drained it of vital resources (and people) that could be put to better use making our Union more perfect. Despite spending more than $700 billion on our national defense, America’s military leaders unanimousl..

Lecture: “At a Crossroads, A New Perspective on US Involvement in the Middle East”... image (not from entry) from Excerpt: AGS welcomes Robert Satloff, Executive Director of the Washington Institute for a conversation surrounding U.S. public diplomacy [JB emphasis] in the Middle East, U.S. policy toward democratization and reform in the Middle East and U.S. policy toward the Arab-Israeli conflict. Sponsored by the Duke University Program in American Grand Strategy. For more information, please visit here. Thursday, March 28 | 5:30 p.m. Sanford 05 Duke University [...]

Public Schedule: March 8, 2019 – US Department of State ***THE DAILY PUBLIC SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE***DEPARTMENT OF STATEPUBLIC SCHEDULE MARCH 8, 2019 Image (not from entry) from, under the headline headline: Understanding the F-1, J-1 and M-1 Visas Excerpt: ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS MARIE ROYCE11:00 a.m. Assistant Secretary Royce attends a roundtable discussion on F-1 and M-1 International Students and Specialty Occupations, at the White House. (MEDIA DETERMINED BY THE WHITE HOUSE)

On Katherine Brown, 1st President and CEO at Global Ties U.S, author of...; see also (1) (2) GLOBAL TIES ANNOUNCES KATHERINE BROWN AS PRESIDENT AND CEOon March 07, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEKatherine Brown, Ph.D., former Executive Director of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy [JB emphasis], to lead Global Ties, the largest and oldest citizen diplomacy network in the United States.WASHINGTON, DC—Global Ties U.S., a nonprofit that makes international exchange programs more effective by fostering deep connections between current and future leaders, announced today Katherine Brown, Ph.D., as the organization's incoming President and CEO, effective April 9, 2018.Katherine brings a wealth of experience from the media, nonprofit, and academic sectors, as well as the U.S. government. She is highly regarded in the international affairs and public diplomacy arena as a strategic, forward-thinking leader. Jacquelyn G. Shipe, Chair of the Global Ties U.S. Board of Directors, affirmed, "Katherine is uniquely positioned to continue movin..

U.S. Cancels Journalist’s Award Over Her Criticism of Trump

Reid Standish and Robbie Gramer,, March 7, 2019; see also (1) Jessikka Aro was to receive a “Women of Courage” prize. Then officials read her Twitter feed. First lady Melania Trump honors the International Women of Courage awardees during a ceremony at the State Department in Washington on March 29, 2017. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images) Jessikka Aro, a Finnish investigative journalist, has faced down death threats and harassment over her work exposing Russia’s propaganda machine long before the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. In January, the U.S. State Department took notice, telling Aro she would be honored with the prestigious International Women of Courage Award, to be presented in Washington by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.Weeks later, the State Department rescinded the award offer. A State Department spokesperson said it was due to a “regrettable error,” but Aro and U.S. officials familiar with the internal deliberations tell a different story. They say the dep..

Roadmap to 50×50: Power and Parity in Women’s Leadership uncaptioned image from entry Special talk by Gwen K. Young, Distinguished Fellow at the Women in Public Service Project at the Wilson Center Excerpt: Where are women in governments around the world? How much power do they hold? How did they get to their positions of leadership?The Global Women's Leadership Initiative Index is the first-of-its-kind tool that harnesses the power of data to answer these three key questions, providing a multi-dimensional snapshot of women's public service leadership in 75 countries across the globe. Join Gwen K. Young, Managing Director of the Global Emergency Response Coalition and Distinguished Fellow at the Wilson Center's Women in Public Service Project, for a discussion of the index, key findings and trends in women’s leadership in the public sector.Moderating this program is Elizabeth McKay, CPD's Public Diplomat [JB emphasis] in Residence and Senior Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State..

Kashmir issue: Indian media follows Israel’s Hasbara model

Muhammad Mueen Ahmad, uncaptioned image from articleExcerpt: A Survey from Microsoft shows that India is a hotbed of fake news compared to any other country of the world. The survey shows around 64% of Indians are confronted by fake news via mainstream media with a comparison of the worldwide average of 57 percent. Microsoft further reveals that a big chunk of Indian population around 54% encounters internet hoaxes as compared to the global average of 50%. In recent past, fake news circulated on and inculcated in social media in general and Whatsapp, in particular, has taken lives of 40 compatriots by Indian themselves. Hasbara’s Indian Version “Hasbara” is derived from Hebrew which means “explanation” −explanation of wrongdoing in the cover of specious arguments and noble persona. History of “Hasbara” goes back to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 when Israel took up the gauntlet of the massacre of Lebanese with great gusto. This bloodshed drew the attenti..

China’s squeeze on Australian coal nothing to do with Huawei’s 5G ban. Really? image from WikipediaExcerpt: The former Australian ambassador to South Korea and Vietnam, Richard Broinowski, is among those who believes China is sending a political message to Australia. He points out the Australian media has been highly critical of China recently on many fronts, particularly on human rights. “It is sending a warning message that we have to be careful if we want to continue the very profitable coal trade,” he told This Week in Asia. ... [E]ven if China does hold the whip hand in the economic relationship, Australia may have an edge in other areas. Naren Chitty, the inaugural director of the Soft Power Analysis and Resource Centre at Macquarie University, says Australia has an enormous amount of soft power that it can use to manage its relationships with China. Evidence of this, he says, are the many Chinese seeking to migrate to the country. “They want to come here because there is something attractive about it. There is rule of law, lifestyl..

US Consul General in Regensburg, March 7, 2019 Meghan Gregonis visited the government president Axel Bartelt. She underlined the role of economic cooperation. Image from article: Government President Axel Bartelt and Consul General Meghan Gregonis in the Government of the Upper Palatinate Photo: Government of the Upper Palatinate / Stühlinger REGENSBURG. The Consul General of the United States, Meghan Gregonis, visited Government President Axel Bartelt. The USA is the most important trading partner for Bavaria. In 2017, the Bavarian economy exported goods worth around 21.5 billion euros to the USA. The good economic cooperation should not change in the future. "A sign of a good friendship is that you do not always have to agree, but you can always talk to each other about everything," says Bartelt. Gregonis underlined the special role of economic cooperation for the transatlantic partnership: "Here the relationship between the US and Germany is particularly intense and stable. 4,700 German or part..