Public diplomacy

Mostar deserves better

Skip to content Matt Field British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina 31st October 2019 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar deserves better The British Embassy recently moved its whole operation down to Mostar for a day. In addition to many other activities across the city, we set up a ‘pop-up’ reception in front of the Mepas Mall. This gave the chance for different teams to explain our work – defence cooperation, education, projects, scholarships, consular support, political work, and commercial – to people as they stopped by. Just as importantly, it gave us the chance to ask the citizens of Mostar about their priorities for themselves and the city, the kinds of things that they would like to see change. This is a question we as an Embassy have been asking ourselves and others since I arrived, to try to make sure that our priorities and assistance programmes properly match with the change people in this country want to see. The citizens of BiH are the best judges of how to imp..


Skip to content Paul Brummell Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate 30th October 2019 London,UK MIND YOUR LANGUAGE The Indigenous Peoples’ Memorial is one of the many striking buildings in the Brazilian capital designed by the prolific modernist architect Oscar Niemeyer. Built in a spiral-shaped design around a central courtyard it was apparently inspired by a Yanomami house. In truth, the building is looking a little the worse for wear. The permanent collection was closed when I visited while on holiday in August, but it was still a worthwhile visit, thanks to a display in that central courtyard, installed to commemorate the UN designation of 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages. Entitled “the Forest of Indigenous Languages”, from the sand-covered courtyard sprouted many wooden poles, each representing a different indigenous language. The poles were of varying heights, since to a standard-height base had been added an addition..

Danas je 50. rođendan Interneta

Sada već tako davnog 29. oktobra 1969. godine na UCLA univerzitetu u Kaliforniji, profesor Len Kleinrock i njegov tim poslali su prvu poruku preko...

France Regains #1 Spot: The 2019 Soft Power 30

France Regains #1 Spot: The 2019 Soft Power 30 Oct 24, 2019 France tops the rankings of the newly released 2019 Soft Power 30 index and report, released jointly by strategic communications consultancy Portland Communications, Facebook and CPD. "France reclaims its top spot after a mixed year for the French government," reads the report. "[Macron] doubtless been strengthened by an economy growing at a faster clip than most large, developed countries." The Soft Power 30 methodology considers the following factors when ranking a country's soft power strength: enterprise, culture, digital, government, engagement and education. The release is accompanied by a report that includes dozens of essays by leading experts in soft power, nation branding, global communications and beyond. Now analyzing countries' performance during 2018, the index has seen the U.S. dropping annually in the rankings since the 2015 analysis, when the U.S. placed first. Here's a glance at the top..

White trees, blue skies and a green plan

Skip to content Leigh Turner Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna Part of UK in Austria 25th October 2019 Vienna, Austria White trees, blue skies and a green plan Have you ever wondered why the trees are painted white in Vienna? To stop cars running into them, protect them from dogs? The special paint protects new bark from the summer sun! Woodland trees don’t require sun cream but the intense environments of our cities means it’s not only humans who need protection from harmful rays. I recently had a wonderful opportunity to meet Austria-based British Tree Surgeon Martin Speariett, whilst he was dangling precariously from a Robinia tree he had been pruning in the Embassy’s garden. He said that increasing the amount of ‘green coverage’ in cities helped regulate temperature and reduce air pollution. More trees meant cleaner air but, in man-made environments, we were responsible for keeping the trees ..

What’s So Awful About Foreign Interference?

The idea that our “democracy” is under attack by foreign adversaries rings hollow to anyone who thinks about it for more than a second...

Kusturica i njegov bend digli sedište Uneska na noge

Emir Kusturica i njegov „No smoking orkestra“ održali su večeras u prepunoj sali u sedištu Uneska u Parizu spektakularan koncert i podigli na noge publiku, uglavnom strane diplomate iz celog sveta i članove delegacija u toj međunarodnoj organizaciji. Oko 1.200 zvanica sa ushićenjem i ovacijama pozdravilo je Kusturicu i njegov bend, a oni su, obučeni kao meksički oficiri, briljirali na sceni Uneska.

Food and Power

The Oxford Food Symposium has not always held an obvious link to foreign policy, but diplomacy was there at its conception. It was co-founded by a diplomat named Alan Davidson, whose Foreign Office career ended as Ambassador to Laos in the early 1970s. It was while on a posting to Tunisia that Davidson, frustrated at the lack of a decent book on the local seafood, embarked on a parallel career as a food writer, with Seafish of Tunisia and the Central Mediterranean. Food guru Elizabeth David took the book under her wing, or perhaps fin, and it reappeared in expanded form as a Penguin publication with the snappier title Mediterranean Seafood. Following his retirement from the Foreign Office, Davidson spent an academic year at St Anthony’s Oxford in the late 1970s, conducting research on science in the kitchen from an historical perspective..

Festival della Diplomazia a Roma, ecco tutti gli appuntamenti

Il Festival della Diplomazia, diretto verso la X edizione, nasce nel 2009 dalla consapevolezza della centralità di Roma in ambito internazionale. Nella città, infatti,...

Americans and Russians Should Be Friends—Even if Their Countries Aren’t

Public diplomacy—or official efforts to inform and influence foreign public audiences—has been an essential component of U.S. efforts to build stronger bonds with the Russian people since the end of World War II