Public diplomacy

Mobile Consular Service in Hawassa, Ethiopia

Approximately, 350 Sri Lankans attended the mobile consular service and the activities of the day included processing of applications for new passports, attestation of documents, police clearance certificates, issues pertaining to lost passports, assistance with regard to employment in Ethiopia, compensation and repatriation related issues of migrant workers and certification of application forms to open NRFC accounts in Sri Lanka.

UK funded project on integrating conventional arms control with conflict prevention gets started

Skip to content Simon Cleobury UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament 11th October 2019 Geneva, Switzerland UK funded project on integrating conventional arms control with conflict prevention gets started I am delighted to announce that the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) project that I mentioned in my previous blog on integrating conventional arms control into the UN’s conflict prevention and management activities got underway this month. The United Kingdom has provided seed funding to UNIDIR to get the project started. The project will address the continued underuse of conventional arms control treaties and frameworks in preventing, managing and resolving modern conflicts. It will look at ways of better integrating understanding of conventional arms control into United Nations peace making and peacebuilding processes. This will include: Furthering understanding on the connections between conventional arms control and conflict p..

Evropski parlament poziva društvene mreže: Borite se protiv opasne ruske propagande

Uprkos čestim saopštenjima iz EU „o pretnji ruske propagande“, Evropska komisija je u svom izveštaju od juna ove godine priznala da nije otkrila znakove javne kampanje dezinformacija spolja, kada je reč o izborima za Evropski parlament, iako su izvestili o pokušajima „nekih ruskih izvora“ da utiču na izbor birača.

Chennai Soft Power 30

Based in Chennai, one of Indias cultural capitals, the Center for Soft Power (CSP) is an India Foundation institute that studies and researches Indian soft power, mapping along the way the wide diversity of cultural forms present in the country. Lately, the Center has embarked on a unique project titled Chennai Soft Power 30, which seeks to document and interview 30 of Chennai's most internationally recognized performing artists in the fields of music and dance. The videos below look at the journey of some of Chennai's top-performers and explain how they have spread Indian culture globally through their art. This video features an interview with dance couple Renjith and Vijna who have toured the world performing Indian folk dances. The original video can be found on the Center for Soft Power's Youtube channel here. This one features an interview with Grammy nominated bamboo flute maestro Shashank Subramanyam, who has col..

Upoznajte ljude koji brišu komentare na društvenim mrežama

Sve veća armija moderatora ima nezavidni zadatak da proseje sve to, ponekad po veliku cenu za njihovo mentalno zdravlje.

Shortwave Radio: Reaching Dissidents in China? Good theory, but…

Shortwave radio was a mainstay of international news and information programs. It was the “new media” embraced to bypass and overcome the censorship of cables, the “old media.” This was particularly true in the United States. Radio broadcasting was seen as such an important and critical element to our national security a century ago that the Secretary of the Navy, a newspaper owner interested in the psychological defense of the nation, tried several times to nationalize wireless transmitters. He may have failed, but he contributed to forcing a British firm to sell their U.S. broadcasting assets which became the Radio Corporation of America. Indicative of the importance of the medium, RCA voting stock could only be owned by U.S. citizens, a restriction that was not removed until the 1980s. Shortwave radio was used by nations for engagement, to distribute news and information to faraway places. It is not surprising then to see a new article urging the use of shortwave today to penetrat..

Emily Metzgar Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies

Metzgar article characterizes academic study of public diplomacy The Media School Report October 1, 2019 An article by associate professor Emily Metzgar reviews decades of peer-reviewed research on public...

The Banality of Soft Power

what is Soft Power in the 21st century? It is the ability to manage the normative associations that a state evokes so that a state is seen as a desirable partner for creating temporary coalitions or permanent alliances.

Diplomats on Facebook

What conditions make Facebook a productive digital diplomacy tool? In a new article published in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, CPD Contributing Scholar Dr. Damien Spry examines how ministries of foreign affairs have used Facebook to connect with audiences in several locations across Asia-Pacific. Specifically, Spry takes a look at the environmental, institutional, algorithmic and audience factors behind the use of Facebook for digital diplomacy. He finds that the institutional factors that compel ministries to post certain types of content do not always match the audience factors that drive engagement on the platform. For public diplomats seeking to craft meaningful engagement, considering what is immediately useful or emotionally resonant to target audiences may be what is needed to make Facebook an important diplomacy tool. Spry writes: "MFAs can, therefore, unburden themselves from unrealistic expectations that Facebook can be a forum for..

The hometown of Kocho Racin, a place of poetry, culture, history and tradition –...

The hometown of Kocho Racin, a place of poetry, culture, history and tradition – my first visit to Veles Last week, I travelled only a short distance from Skopje to visit Veles. It was a packed day as there was a lot to discuss and a lot of people to see and meet. Although Veles has a rich cultural history, our conversations were focussed on its future. Mayor Ace Kocevski talked about his plans for the development of the city and increased investment and the necessity of public administration reforms and decentralisation to allow the municipalities to deliver for their citizens. The UK is working with the Ministry for Information Society and Administration in support of the reform of the public administration. But delivering this across the country will be a challenging task and needs the engagement of the municipalities. I d..