Uspon i pad američke meke moći u Jugoslaviji i Srbiji
Amerika, kao vodeća sila 20. veka, sticala je svoju premoć na različite načine – dominirala je svetom vojno, ekonomski i tehnološki, a svoj uticaj je ostvarivala i kroz meku moć.
U.S. Democracy Promotion & the Arab World
U.S. Democracy Promotion & the Arab World
Sep 17, 2019
Years after the launch of a “Freedom Agenda” by the Bush administration, the Arab Spring led the U.S. to see new opportunities for democracy promotion in the Arab world. In a new book, CPD Research Fellow Mieczysław Boduszyński takes a look at the policy behind, and implications of, U.S. democracy promotion in the Arab world in the years following 2011.
In addition to delving into where, why and how the U.S. executes democracy promotion as a part of its foreign policy, Boduszyński explains the trajectory of U.S. policy and examines the context from which it emerged.
"The policy was frequently reactive and inconsistent, with a mismatch between rhetoric and action," Boduszyński writes in the book's first chapter. "After 2013, the general trajectory of the policy was clear: from an initial embrace of the protests and their aspirations, to a noble but restrained effort to push a democratic transition, and finally to a loss..
Sport and Soft Power at Big Tent Ideas Festival 2019
On Saturday, 31st August the British Foreign Policy Group hosted a panel discussion on ‘Sport and Soft Power’ at Big Tent Ideas Festival, Mudchute Farm, Isle of Dogs.
The panel explored the role that sport and sports players can play in UK diplomacy and how best the UK can harness its soft power reserves to boost its international standing. Bringing together the journalist and author Mihir Bose (Chair), Dr Sarah Zipp of the University of Sterling, and Stuart Meaker, Surrey and England Cricketer, the discussion explored these questions and what impact Brexit will have on Britain’s position as a ‘Soft Power Superpower’.
You can watch excerpts of the discussions below.
Watch: Sport and Soft PowerThe views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the views of the BFPG. The BFPG is an independent not for profit organisation that encourages construct..
A British Foreign Policy with a Digital Strategy
27 Aug A British Foreign Policy with a Digital Strategy Posted at 11:27h in Diplomacy & Soft Power, UK Perspectives by Will Sowter Emerging technologies have produced a profound transformation in global politics over the last two decades. To take one example, in June the United States launched a cyber attack on Iranian weapons systems in retaliation to Iran shooting down an American drone. The regularity of these kinds of attacks by our adversaries as well as our allies is just one way in which digital technology has reshaped the landscape for British foreign policy. But these changes also bring opportunities for the UK internationally.
Digital technology has the potential to make the work of British foreign policymakers significantly more efficient. Specifically, data capture and analysis has a role to play in demonstrating the value of diplomacy. The case for properly sustaining and protecting the Foreign Office’s funding would be far more convincing if the work of this department h..
Ambasciata d’Italia a Belgrado. La regina delle Ambasciate
Ambasciata d’Italia a Belgrado. La regina delle Ambasciate (Tipografia Gama, Belgrado, 2016, pp. 73). E' un libro fotografico che celebra i novanta anni dalla costruzione dell'edificio (1926 - 2016), proponendosi di valorizzare la storia dei rapporti tra i due Paesi, attraverso l'illustrazione di un luogo e della sua vita, della relazione tra valori simbolici e attività funzionali dentro e fuori dell'edificio che ha segnato la presenza italiana in Serbia.
12 months in Lebanon: ‘It can sometimes be hard to stay optimistic … but...
Skip to content Chris Rampling MBE
British Ambassador to Lebanon
Part of Digital Diplomacy FCO Travel Partners in Prosperity Shoulder to Shoulder UK in Lebanon
20th September 2019 Beirut, Lebanon
12 months in Lebanon: ‘It can sometimes be hard to stay optimistic … but here’s why I do’ This time last year was one of the highlights of my career – presenting Queen Elizabeth’s letter to President Aoun that nominated me as Ambassador. The anniversary has allowed reflection on the year: for Lebanon, and for the UK.
My first 12 months in Lebanon has been remarkable. Rolls Royce and MEA signed our largest ever bilateral trade deal. I met the 10,000th Lebanese soldier trained by the UK, and one of the UK’s most modern naval frigates came to Beirut. We hosted the first official visit by a British Royal, and partnered with the National Library for a stunning celebration of the UK in Lebanon. I have seen the results of our sustained work with women in Parliament, on community policing in Beirut, ..
Listen: The General and the Ambassador
Listen: The General and the Ambassador
Oct 17, 2018
A recent episode of the podcast, The General and the Ambassador: A Conversation, features Ambassador Mike Hammer and retired Admiral John Kirby who discuss how the military and diplomats approach public affairs. Often viewed as opposing sides of the international affairs spectrum, the podcast aims to bring together military and diplomatic collaborators to tell their stories about representing the United States abroad.
The series is moderated by retired Ambassador Deborah McCarthy, who began the discussion by tackling a key question many have about the American diplomatic corps—why is the military a better known entity among the American people?
This episode is number six in the series. Listen to all episodes here.
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Tviter blokirao naloge Raula Kastra i vodećih kubanskih medija
"Tviter" je blokirao naloge lidera Komunističke stranke Kube Raula Kastra, njegove kćerke Marijele Kastro i vodećih kubanskih medija.
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