Public diplomacy

Some thoughts on public diplomacy, social media, and data

As someone who has worked in public diplomacy since 2011, I do not remember a time when public diplomacy did not also mean digital diplomacy and, consequently, some manner of data diplomacy. From the beginning, the data we gleaned from social media was heavily dependent on what the social media platforms were willing to provide us with. In terms of data storage and data analytics, institutions need to put a great deal of trust in the data that social media platforms provide. Here are three issues which are crucial for institutions when working with social media and data sets: Ursula Wyss

How Diplomats Can Combat Digital Propaganda

James Pamment has written that for most of the 20th century the term public diplomacy was associated with the term propaganda. According to the Oxford Dictionary propaganda relates to information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. During the 21st century, the field of public diplomacy faced a conceptual shift known as the “new” public diplomacy. This shift saw the goals of public diplomacy change from influence and opinion formation to creating long lasting relationships with foreign populations. These relationships, built on dialogue and two way interactions, could be used to create a receptive environment for a country’s foreign policy. Digitalization promised to facilitate the transition towards the “new” public diplomacy and away from propaganda as digital platforms could be used to converse and create relationships with foreign publics. Social media were especially seen as beneficial to the “new” public diplomacy as t..

Blocking Chinese students will hurt US more than China

Chinese students began going to the United States for further studies after China launched the reform and opening-up in 1978. These students in turn contributed to the progress and development of China.

‘Cultural diplomacy’ in action in Turkey

Turkish culture, heritage, arts and music were in glorious display at a recent gathering for members of the Global Public Diplomacy Network

Mexico, Cuba, and Trump’s Increasing Preference for Punishment Over Diplomacy

In his approach to the carrot-versus-stick equation that is central to statecraft, Donald Trump always opts for the stick. Apparently unaware of, or unconcerned with, the advantages...

[Hong Seok-in] What’s so public about Korea’s Public Diplomacy?

Listed among Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in 2019, Korea’s seven-member boy band BTS can count 19 music videos with more than 1...

„Kosovo je Srbija“: Ivica Dačić se priključio kampanji ispisivanja poruke na novčanicama

Novčanice različitih valuta su retke preostale stvari koje kruže celim svetom. Od nedavno se na nekima od njih može naći i poruka „Kosovo je...

The Kosova lashes

Foinika Kay, beauty influenserka iz Njujorka, Kosovarka po poreklu, skoro 2 miliona folovera. Lansirala je svoje veštačke trepavice pod nazivom "Kosovo", za Tarte Cosmetics....

Embassies Embrace Fashion as Public Diplomacy Tool

Better known for high tempers than high fashion, Washington, D.C., has seen catwalks pop up in the unlikeliest of places recently: embassies, historic buildings and even the State Department.That’s because people in the diplomatic community are realizing — and relishing — fashion’s role in diplomacy. Much as food, art and sports can say a lot about a nation’s culture, fashion does, too.“There’s tremendous power in what we wear,” said Jan Du Plain, president and chief executive officer of Du Plain Global Enterprises, an international public relations and events company that helped launch Cultural Tourism DC’s Passport DC program. “If one of our high-level women or men wears something that is inappropriate or can be seen as questionable, fashion speaks. When we wear something, it can have such a strong impact on people because we are watching, particularly those that are high up in government.”Du Plain recently worked with Indira ..

A New Path Ahead For U.S. Public Diplomacy Advocates In A Digital Age?

It’s a term used more widely than ever in the 21st century, as a leading scholar of the concept, the University of Southern California’s Professor Nicholas J. Cull explains: “Public diplomacy deals with the influence of public attitudes on the formation and execution of a nation’s foreign policies.”Dr. Cull adds that PD encompasses dimensions of international relations beyond traditional diplomacy, including:The formation of public opinion in other countriesThe interaction of private groups in one country with those of anotherThe reporting of foreign affairs and its impact on policyCommunication between those whose job it is in various countries, including diplomats and foreign correspondents.These themes reflect a wide range of intercultural communications, public and private, via cultural and educational exchanges with international visitors and US-funded global broadcasting.W..