Public diplomacy

Blast from the Past (II): The Purposes and Cross-Purposes of American Public Diplomacy

foreign policy. Information, education, culture, and—yes—propaganda make up the principal facets of this area of responsibility. If, as he notes, those functions are sometimes at cross-purposes, the author nonetheless contends that those tensions can contribute to a more effective presentation of America’s story to the world.—Ed.Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)—Walt Whitman, Song of MyselfThe war on terrorism has brought American public diplomacy1 to the fore of national attention. While support for these programs waned after the Cold War, American opinion-makers in government and the media now agree that they should be a more widely-used tool of U.S. foreign policy, especially in the Muslim world. The view exists, however, that public diplomacy’s pr..

Blast from the Past: Propaganda and Public Diplomacy

Public Diplomacy and Propaganda: Their Differences (2008) John Brown, from American Diplomacy (original article has evidently changed site)Is “public diplomacy” just a nice way of saying “propaganda”? There are common elements, but, this essay argues, there are also some very important differences. – Ed.Not long after 9/11, former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke, in a Washington Post article, “Get the Message Out” (October 28, 2001), asked a key question regarding the so-called “war on terror”: How could a mass murderer who publicly praised the terrorists of Sept. 11 be winning the hearts and minds of anyone? How can a man in a cave outcommunicate the world's leading communications society?What was needed to offset terrorists, Holbrooke wrote, was “public diplomacy, or public affairs, or psychological warfare, or – if you really want to be blunt – propaganda.” Holbrooke is not the first person to equate public diplomacy..

Huawei’s ‘Teachable Moment’ on Public Diplomacy

Over the past few months, a competition to corner the market on new fifth generation (5G) mobile networks has erupted into a global turf war between the United States and China. Citing national security concerns, Washington has urged its allies and partners around the world to ban the use of equipment manufactured by China’s leading telecommunications company, Huawei, in their 5G infrastructure. In response to the US government’s actions, Huawei decided to fight back with a tool straight out of the age-old diplomatic playbook: a media campaign directed at American journalists and the US public. This charm offensive could accurately be termed a “public diplomacy” initiative. As defined by diplomatic historian and University of Southern California professor Nick Cull, public diplomacy is “an international actor’s attempt to manage the international environment through engagement with a foreign public.” Huawei’..

The importance of Public Diplomacy as an instrument of foreign policy and what makes...

The importance of Diplomacy as an instrument of foreign policy and what makes a good diplomatic agentExcerpt: The importance of Public Diplomacy on foreign policy and its challenges Public diplomacy is one of the most important parts of international and intercultural communication (DeMars, 2005; Nye, 2008). Governments across the world tend to use public diplomacy as an effective tool to build a positive image with publics of other countries. Public diplomacy efforts aim at influencing foreign publics, so that they may influence their own government’s actions toward another nation. Public diplomacy efforts have blended both interpersonal and mass communication tactics. Governments have used mass communication including rad..

Russia’s Public Diplomacy: Evolution and Practice

Russian public diplomacy attracts growing attention in the current global climate of tension and competition. However, it is often not understood or is misunderstood. Although some articles and book chapters exist, there are almost no books on Russian public diplomacy neither in Russian, nor in English. This edited collection is an in-depth and broad analysis of Russian public diplomacy in its conceptual understanding and its pragmatic aims and practice. Various aspects of Russian public diplomacy – from cultural to business practices – will interest professors, students and practitioners from various countries. Written by a diverse collection of the most prominent and capable scholars, from academia to international organizations, with a wealth of knowledge and objective experience..

What Game of Thrones Teaches Us about the Value of Public Diplomacy

As HBO’s blockbuster drama “Game of Thrones,” came to end this weekend after nearly a decade of pop culture dominance, it raised many burning questions (no pun intended) But the biggest of these was how Daenerys Targaryen (Dany), champion of the underdog and feminist hero, might have avoided her own tragic downfall. Her descent into megalomania arises from her conviction that she only has “fear” instead of “love” from the people. Perhaps some well-executed public diplomacy could have made all the difference.First things first–what is public diplomacy [JB emphasis] (PD)? Public diplomacy is the communication by a government (or in this case a leader) to foreign publics to foster understanding, dialogue, and good will across cultures. If done well, it can contribute to a nation..

American soft power in the Trump age

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has shown little interest in public diplomacy. And yet public diplomacy - a government’s efforts to communicate directly with other countries’ publics - is one of the key instruments policymakers use to generate soft power,

Activists urge Airbnb users to shut accounts over Israeli settlements

By AFP and TOI STAFF,, 15 May 2019; see also; on Airbnb, see After Israeli pressure, the company last month reversed course and scrapped plans to ban Jewish listings in the West Bank shares A home in the northern WEST Bank available for rent on Airbnb. (Samaria Tourism)Campaigners on Wednesday called on supporters of the Palestinian cause to deactivate their Airbnb accounts, at least temporarily, to protest the vacation rental firm’s listings in settlements in the West Bank.After Israeli pressure, the company last month reversed course and scrapped plans to bar homes in settlements from listing on the site.The decision led to fresh anger from groups opposed to the settlements, which most countries consider illegal under international law. A range of organizations including Jewish Voice for Peace and the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy [JB emphasis] have backed a call for an at least temporary deactivation, with organizers saying thousands had pledged to do s..

With a minor note on Richard Holbrooke’s Public Diplomacy: A Review of George Packer’s...

Book Review of Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century by George Packer Knopf, 592 pp., $30.00 From the below New York Review of Books review by Thomas Powers. under the title : "The Fog of Ambition" “Holbrooke was the mission leader,” Packer writes, “and he loved speed.” “By the time” Obama was elected, Packer writes, “Iraq was the letter ‘I’ stamped on the foreheads of Democrats like Holbrooke.” Thomas Powers, The New York Review of Books JUNE 6, 2019 ISSUE Tomas Muscionico/Contact Press ImagesRichard Holbrooke and Kofi Annan at the United Nations, New York City, October 2000***JB: A Minor note for historians, an addendum to the above-cited book review* [I served as the Public Affairs Officer at American Embassy Belgrade, 1995-1998, and spent much time in the presence of Holbrooke, especially when he was communicating with the media. My job was to handle public diplomacy at the U.S. mission. Some observations pertaining to that driven (for what destination?) r..

How journalists should track politicians on social media

Around election times, monitoring politicians on social media comes to the forefront. We analysed in the past how creating buzz on social has helped or harmed political candidates in the United States, France, and Finland. This spring, we’ve taken unprecedented effort to capture the entire spectrum of political hopefuls by adding almost 1000 candidates into our election filter. There are party leaders and official party pages, plus virtually everyone with a public page on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram who is running for a seat in the Finnish parliament this spring. (Over 400 candidates have no public pages on social media at all.) You can find both filters in Trending: Eduskuntavaalit 2019, Eduskuntavaalit Puoluejohtajat 2019. How to make sense of filters where you’re tracking politicians? 1. Quickly see which politician’s own posts are noticed on social media. What might be surprising is that it’s not always party leaders who get the most engagement. Social media candidates with..