Public Diplomacy and Soft Power: Governments, People and Foreign Policy
This World Leaders Forum program featured an address by The Honorable Matthew W. Barzun, Ambassador of the United States of America to the United...
Behind the scenes of digital diplomacy | Rebecca Adler-Nissen |
Hashtags and 140 characters are becoming the norm in how we talk about anything. What we’re currently doing, what we think about that article...
Digital diplomacy
Today, diplomacy does not only take place behind closed doors, but can be followed by everyone on social media. What earlier took a long...
2016. Russia’s FM Spokeswoman Zakharova Rocks the Dancefloor With Kalinka
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova showed off one of her many talents at the at the ASEAN-Russia summit in Sochi, dancing to the song "Kalinka."
The Day of Serbian Diplomacy was celebrated
29 May has been chosen as the Day of Serbian Diplomacy since it was on that day, 180 years ago exactly, that the Prince's Office conducting external affairs was established, the event considered as the beginning of professional diplomacy in Serbia.