The Newhouse School, Syracuse University
Excerpt (under the heading, "public diplomacy" [JB emphasis]):
Dennis Kinsey
Director, Public Relations/International Relations
Public Relations/International Relations
Also teaches in:
Public Relations
Media Studies
Mass Communications
Communications Management
Communications@Syracuse (online)
Contact Information
(315) 443-3801
Office Location
454 Newhouse 3
Ph.D. Stanford University
M.A. Kent State University
B.A. Kent State University
Political Communications
Communications Theory
Public Diplomacy
Public Relations Research Methods
Q Methodology
Dennis Kinsey is a member of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the International Communication Association, the International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity and the International Society of Political Psychology.
He has been published in the Journal of Advertising Research, Journalism Educator, Operant Subjectivity, Political Communication and Political Psychology.
He was previously with Decision Research Corp. (now Triad Research).
A musician, Kinsey heads up the independent label Hondo Mesa Records.
***Steven Pike
Assistant Professor
Public Relations
Also teaches in:
Public Relations/International Relations
Contact Information
(315) 443-4315
Office Location
347 Newhouse 2
M.A. U.S. Naval War College
M.S. Georgetown University
B.A. Wesleyan University
Global Communications
Media and Politics
Political Communications
Public Diplomacy
Public Relations Campaigns
Public Relations Management
Media Relations
Steven Pike spent over 20 years with the U.S. Department of State as a diplomat and foreign service officer. He served as director of policy for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; public affairs counselor at the U.S. Embassy in the United Arab Emirates; and spokesman and media director of the U.S Mission to Canada. He also had assignments in Senegal, Haiti and Washington, D.C. Prior to joining State, he was an account executive with Berlitz Translation Services.
He earned a B.A. in politics from Wesleyan University, an M.S. in foreign service from Georgetown University and an M.A in national security and strategic studies from the U.S. Naval War College.
Original Article
Public diplomacy John Brown's Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review Experts List | Newhouse School | Syracuse University