[Found on the Web:] The Boundaries of Public Diplomacy and Nonstate Actors: A Taxonomy of Perspectives


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Image result for boundariesimage (not from entry) fromKadir Jun AyhanInternational Studies Perspectives, Volume 20, Issue 1, February 2019, Pages 63–83, https://doi.org/10.1093/isp/eky010Published:
20 August 2018


Abstract: Public diplomacy [JB emphasis](PD) lacks an agreed-upon definition and boundaries. The ambiguity surrounding the conceptualization of the term leads to confusion among scholars and practitioners and hinders the consolidation of PD as an academic field. This article surveys 160 articles and books on PD, categorizes diverse perspectives into a taxonomy, and explores the coherence of each. The taxonomy can be categorized into these perspectives: state-centric, neo-statist, nontraditional, society-centric, and accommodative. The article maps the boundaries of public diplomacy with much needed clear and coherent criteria and positions PD within the broader discipline of international relations.
Original Article