(press release), November 14image from entry
The 8th International Forum Arctic: Today and the Future will be held in St. Petersburg on December 5‒7. More than 2,000 people from 40 Russian regions and 20 countries have declared their intention to participate. Over 350 speakers are expected to take the floor at the forum.
The event is supported by the State Commission for Arctic Development and organized by the Association of Polar Explorers.
The forum will promote Russia's core national interests in the Arctic through developing civil society interaction, both in the form of public dialogue with government authorities and also via public diplomacy [JB emphasis], with collaboration between the participants and international non-government organizations," the organizers stated.
There will be eight concurrent lines of discussion at the forum in the usual working formats, such as plenary meetings, work sessions and round table discussions. Major Russian companies operating in the Arctic as well as the Russian regions will present their projects.
Gazprom Neft and Norilsk Nickel are the partners of the forum and Rossiya Segodnya and will provide information support.
The 8th International Forum Arctic: Today and the Future will be held at the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Center at 64/1 Peterburgskoye Motorway.
Original Article
Public diplomacy John Brown's Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review Over 2000 people to attend Arctic: Today and the Future Forum