Public diplomacy and the war on terrorism

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War, lies, and videotape: public diplomacy and the USA's
War on TerrorismSource: Index IslamicusPublic diplomacy at home in the UK: engaging diasporas
and preventing terrorismSource: Index IslamicusPublic diplomacy in an age of global terrorism: lessons from
the pastSource: Index Islamicus

Reference Works

The Global War on Anarchism: The United States and
International Anarchist…Source: The SHAFR Guide OnlineCongress's Efforts to Defeat Joseph Kony and the
Lord's Resistance Army: NGO…Source: The SHAFR Guide OnlineThe Dynamiters: Irish Nationalism and Political Violence
in the Wider World, 186…Source: The SHAFR Guide Online

Books & Journals

The Origins of International CounterterrorismThe Formation of a Customary International Crime: Global Terrorism Human (In)…Source: International Criminal Law ReviewDialogue and Power: Understanding Danish Public Diplomacy Efforts in the Middle…Source: The Hague Journal of Diplomacy

Primary Sources

Finding Terror(ism)Source: Human Rights Documents OnlineCIA, Report, Terrorism as a Political Weapon ::Four Middle
Eastern Case Studies,…Source: U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009Promoting Human Rights and Democracy in the context of Terrorism, May 30 2002, 3…Source: Human Rights Documents OnlineOriginal Article