Public Diplomacy Council Fellowship


One of many entries from
Public Diplomacy Council Fellowship


April 30, 2019

Awards Available: See Description

Scholarship Description […]

  • The Public Diplomacy [JB emphasis] Council is a nonprofit organization committed to fostering greater public recognition of public diplomacy in the conduct of foreign affairs. PDC serves as a resource and advocate for the teaching, training, and development of public diplomacy as an academic discipline, while promoting the importance of the academic study, professional practice, and responsible advocacy of public diplomacy. Its members, composed of Foreign Service and public diplomacy professionals, active and retired, as well as academics dedicated to public diplomacy scholarship, believe that understanding, informing, and influencing foreign publics and dialogue between Americans and United States’ institutions and their counterparts abroad are vital to the national interest and core elements of 21st century American diplomacy. The SOC/PDC fellow will promote PDC's core mission, support ongoing activities, and develop individual learning and research objectives relating to public diplomacy that are consistent with and enhance his/her academic program at American University School of Communication.
    Ideally, the Public Diplomacy Council is looking for a graduate fellow who has an appreciation for the field of public diplomacy and desire to learn more, experience or interest in conference event planning, policy writing and research project development and superior oral presentation skills and network building abilities. Background in website management a plus and US citizenship or permanent resident status is required.
    Recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student in the corresponding master's program. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website.
  • Contact
  • Graduate Admissions Office
  • School of Communication Mary Graydon Center, Room 328
  • 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
  • Washington, DC 20016-8080
  •; [JB – see also]
  • tel: 202-885-2040
  • fax: 202-885-2019

Original Article