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Proposals submitted by March 31 will be reviewed by mid-April, 2019.The U.S. Embassy Riga’s Small Grants Program was initiated as a flexible mechanism to enable the U.S. Embassy to support initiatives that contribute to more open and competitive political and economic systems and the protection of human rights. The Embassy adheres to U.S. Government rules and regulations pertaining to grants administration. Questions related to US Embassy Riga’s Small Grants Program may be referred to the Embassy’s Public Affairs Section at us.embassy.riga@gmail.comor +371 6710 7109.Applications must be submitted in English. Please read all the instructions below and in the application template.
Program Summary
- The implementing office at the U.S. Embassy in Latvia is the Public Affairs Office (PAO), which is under the authority of the Ambassador.
- The Ambassador may choose whether to review and approve grant requests.
- Grants are aimed primarily at Latvian NGOs and Individuals. Grants are awarded on the basis of a determination of need by the need by the Grants Committee.
- Funds are disbursed by the Public Affairs Officer or other public diplomacy [JB emphasis] grants officer.
Proposal Guidelines
- The Embassy may award grants to non-profit organizations and individuals.
- Third country organizations and individuals (non-Latvian and non-US) are not eligible for grants.
- Grants are made on a one-time basis per US fiscal year (October to September). A repeat grant to a particular organization may be issued if post determines the activity advances a clearly defined priority objective.
- Grants should support initiatives such as:
- Promotion of civil society.
- Free flow of information (including support for independent media, except for direct support for development of content of any particular media outlet).
- Transparency in government.
- Public education and advocacy.
- Rule of law and legal reform.
- Conflict resolution.
- Human rights.
- Civic education.
- STEM education.
- Market economy.
- Anti-trafficking and anti-corruption awareness campaigns and training.
- Ethnic, minority, and women’s equality.
- American art and culture (the project should include an educational or public engagement component).
- Grants may not be used for partisan political activity. However, public education, get-out-the-vote, election monitoring and other non-partisan election activities may be supported.
- Grants may be used to promote non-discrimination and tolerance for disadvantaged minorities, but should not be used to promote the particular agenda of a specific group, practice, or lifestyle over any other. Close attention should be given to applications addressing tolerance and human rights (focusing on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation), volunteerism, and trafficking in persons. Before awarding any grant related to these issues, Embassy staff must brief grantees on the distinction between support for human rights and our inability to advocate for a specific lifestyle or the views of any specific organization.
- Grants cannot support any goals of religious nature.
- Grants cannot support the creation of any media content or support journalist salaries.
- Proposed projects should target primarily Latvian audiences.
Allowable Budget Items:
- Grants should not provide for long-term infrastructure needs. Grants cannot be used to buy equipment (cameras, microphones, computers etc.).
- Salaries, overhead, and other administrative expenses are allowable only as they relate to specific project activities. Salary or honoraria should be listed according to rate of pay and percentage of time spent on program-related activities.
- Grant funds cannot be used to pay for expenses (like travel, per diem, lodging, honoraria, etc.) incurred by third country (non-Latvian and non-US) individuals.
- Funds for representational events (food, beverages etc.) should not exceed 10% of the total project budget.
- No single grant may exceed $10,000 USD. Regardless of amounts requested, the average awarded amount per project is $1,000-3,000 USD.
- International air transportation must be performed by U.S. airlines and airlines that are part of the “open skies” agreements:
- Grant funds can support only economy class airfare.
- All payments should be done through the bank account of organization or individual, who is mentioned in the grants agreement as a grantee.
Application Process
- 1. Proposals may be submitted directly to U.S. Embassy Riga’s Public Affairs Office by email at Please read all of the instructions below. Your full proposal package should contain the following:
- Grant Proposal (please use this mandatory template(Ms-Word-71KB))
- Your organization’s registration documents
- Your organization’s most recent Annual Financial Report (gada pārskats)
- Review of grant proposals is carried out by carried out by the U.S. Embassy Grants Committee. The purpose of the review is to ensure compliance with embassy priorities, program parameters, and to verify that budgets are accurate and allowable.
- The budget template is included in the grant proposal link above. Budgets should be calculated in U.S. dollars Budgets should be as detailed as possible, to avoid delays in funding.
- You should submit your application at least 3 months ahead of the commencement of your project.
- The Embassy will confirm the receipt of your application by e-mail.