U.S. Embassy in Montenegro announces Public Affairs Office Grants Program 2019


Embassyimage fromDeadline: 24 May 2019
The U.S. Embassy Podgorica/Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Department of State has announced an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to address one of the priority areas stated below.Program ObjectivesThe United States Embassy in Podgorica supports specific projects and initiatives on the topics listed below through awards ranging from $5,000 to $10,000.This year’s topics should include the following:

  • Women’s Advocacy and Empowerment
  • Youth Empowerment through Educational Initiatives
  • Community Engagement*
  • Civil Justice Reform**
  • Social Entrepreneurship***
  • U.S.-Montenegrin Relations through Arts

* The U.S. Embassy encourages local projects to better Montenegrin communities. While topics may vary, successful proposals should identify how the applicant will mobilize local communities to address local challenges.** The U.S. Embassy encourages projects that (1) identify obstacles to judicial expediency in civil cases (e.g. the commercial court and other civil forums) and (2) provide recommendations/actions to address those challenges.*** Successful social entrepreneurship projects will propose solutions to community-based challenges. Entrepreneurs seeking funding for commercial efforts need not apply.Funding InformationAward amounts: Awards may range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $10,000.Eligible Applicants

  • Grants are awarded to Montenegro based non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to U.S. alumni, and other organizations that have displayed trustworthiness.
  • The following foreign organizations from Montenegro are eligible to apply:
    • Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations.
    • U.S. Alumni.
    • Other organizations that have displayed trustworthiness.

How to ApplyAll application materials and/or questions should be e-mailed at the address given on the website.For more information, please visit https://me.usembassy.gov/call-for-project-proposals-public-affairs-office-grants-program-2019/Original Article